Is Trump the Anti-Christ?
I am not a believer myself, but my mother is. She sent me this.
I have to admit; it's quite compelling. I don't believe in the divine, but I do think many early religious texts were simply guidebooks on how to form a better society. Based on that, I think the concept of an Anti-Christ was a warning against allowing certain people from taking control. Hitler, Stalin, several Roman emperors - there have been many narcissistic megalomaniacs in history. I just never thought there would be an American version.
@jaroonn A new low.
Wow you need to not look so desperate.
Even I feel bad for you, now. ie. pity
"[you] don't believe in the divine" - Truer words never spoken.
@blablarg18 I realize it's a bit above your paygrade of feminine hygiene product metaphors, but just let it marinade. You might get it eventually.
@jaroonn "TDS libs r so krazed & weird, they even think Trump is Anti-Christ" - And today, you fulfilled it. Unironically.
On yourself.
Unforced. Oh - And on your own mother.
You'd like President Trump assassinated - correct?
(if assume you don't have to do work)
ps. -You- dragging your aged mother, into your TDS mentally-ill post, of anonymous forum, on site for XXX gay porn...... ....... ..........
You super need to be made fun of. I'll hold off - this time - again from pity.
I know you have no clue about things unless your "true journalism" tells you, but that crap applies to St Pedo Pete of Child Sniffer aka 10% for the Big Guy.
@blablarg18 said in Is Trump the Anti-Christ?:
You- dragging your aged mother, into your TDS mentally-ill post, of anonymous forum, on site for XXX gay porn...... ....... .......... You super need to be made fun of. I'll hold off - this time - again from pity.
I'm sure that makes sense to you somehow. You are a special kind of idiot.
@raphjd said in Is Trump the Anti-Christ?:
I know you have no clue about things unless your "true journalism" tells you, but that crap applies to St Pedo Pete of Child Sniffer aka 10% for the Big Guy.
I read at least six different news websites every day from News Max to the Guardian. Then, I make up my own mind. You presume again. As far as my opinion of Trump is concerned, I listen to the actual shit that comes out of his stupid mouth. And then I go to Fox and listen to them try to spin and reinterpret it for the cult. And that pretty much seals the deal for me.
OK, so you suffer from mental illness.
Trump can do no right and liberals can do no wrong, in your mind.
@raphjd said in Is Trump the Anti-Christ?:
Trump can do no right and liberals can do no wrong, in your mind.
I never said that. You seem to only see the world in terms of black and white. But when I compare Trump (not conservatives - Trump) to most liberals, know.
@raphjd said in Is Trump the Anti-Christ?:
OK, so you suffer from mental illness.
And you know that it is not true.
You believe every lie your beloved "true journalism" feeds you, despite the proof.
In the rare cases that you don't believe the liberal lies, you make excuses.
As an example, Biden is shown in many photos of wearing the hard hat backward. Your beloved "true journalism" lied about it. You justified it by claiming it's not important that they lied about it while trying to convince us that conservative media is nothing but lies.
Another example is your beloved "true journalism" has been scrubbing the internet that Kamala was officially named the Borer Czar. They are "fact-checking" the claim that she was named as such, a lie. This is despite the proof that she was. You justified the lie by claiming that it's Trump's fault that she did nothing while ignoring the absolute proof that your side is full of shit and blatantly so.
You either suffer a mental illness or you are just a DNC whore, or both.
@raphjd said in Is Trump the Anti-Christ?:
As an example, Biden is shown in many photos of wearing the hard hat backward. Your beloved "true journalism" lied about it. You justified it by claiming it's not important that they lied about it while trying to convince us that conservative media is nothing but lies.
I see you've mentioned this "hard hat" story many times and it's not one that I'm even aware of, so I'm quite sure I didn't weigh in on it, and if you think I did, it was a misunderstanding.
@raphjd said in Is Trump the Anti-Christ?:
Another example is your beloved "true journalism" has been scrubbing the internet that Kamala was officially named the Borer Czar. They are "fact-checking" the claim that she was named as such, a lie. This is despite the proof that she was. You justified the lie by claiming that it's Trump's fault that she did nothing while ignoring the absolute proof that your side is full of shit and blatantly so.
Again. When you start addressing ANY of Trump's MANY lies, I will believe that honesty is important to you.
You are an expert at deflecting away from the extreme dirtiness of your beloved "true journalism".
Your Extreme TDS is showing.
As for the hard hat story, you asked me why it mattered. I replied because it shows how blatantly dishonest your beloved "true journalism" is.
I don't know of any conservative who thought that was even an issue until your beloved "true journalism" made it an issue by lying about it. It was a noting-burger, but they felt the need to lie about it. It shows they will lie about anything.
@raphjd Like I said, I don't know the story, so I can't comment on it. Like you said, it was innocuous, so probably that's why I said it didn't seem to matter. I've never said that the media gets things right all the time; I've never said that there is any media that is completely objective. But as I said, I do read Fox. I listen to Hannity, Ingraham, and Waters. The "lies" you talk about coming from the left, are molehills compared to the shit they shovel out on a daily basis. And if you cannot be honest about that......
It's not getting it right. It's extremely provable by the countless photos of him wearing it backward.
There was no reason to lie, about something so silly.
You think that the blatantly obvious lies an narratives from your media, isn't an issue because they aren't conservatives.
You are happy that Tony Timpa was ignored by your media, so they could push the "blacks are always the victim" bullshit.
You are also happy that your media totally ignored 1 church shooter, so they could make it seem like only whites are guilty and blacks are always the victim. The narrative that your media pushed was bullshit because Emanuel Samson and Dylan Roof both survived being captured and both were given fast food; ES got McDs and DR got BK.
You are happy that Obama's (he's black) AG Eric Holder (he's black) and the FBI proved that "hands up, don't shoot" in the Michael Brown story (fucking lie) with 20,000+ pages of reports proved he never said that. Your media failed to mention that MB fought with the cop to take the cop's gun.
You are happy that whenever a black person is killed, no matter how much of a violent criminal he is, your media portrays them as innocent lovable chaps.
Likewise, you are happy that your media (to a lesser extent, mine too) simp for women. The gender wage gap has been debunked for 20ish years, but it keeps getting pushed.
You are happy that your media won't talk about all the violence your side uses and promotes against your enemies.
You are happy that your media hid the 50+ years of rape gangs in the UK. They participated in the cover-up by threatening with smear campaigns against the victims.
You are happy that your media praised UK MP Naz Shaw when she tweeted that "those white girls need to shut their mouths for the sake of diversity" about the rape gangs.
@jaroonn ok Norman Bates
-YOU- drag your own mother, into your postings of severe mental illness on anonymous XXX site...... .... ..... a bit stereotypical, no?
paging Dr. Freud!
@blablarg18 You are twisted as fuck.
@blablarg18 Now I understand what motivates you. A gay man living in shame. How Freudian.