Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate
@jaroonn ...said ANR to mirror
(in case you missed it in your slow-witted torpor.... ANR since you are, Azov Nazi Retard...... you defend what's reprehensible, like child-porn books in school, dictators who hug neo-Nazis then cancel elections, & here this thread, Whites who lecture Blacks on who's racist & call them 'deluded' if answer isn't what Whitie wanted to hear - which you probably do IRL)
@blablarg18 Well, none of that is true, but that doesn't matter to you, Ivan Goebbels, right? In the meantime, keep telling yourself that the election was stolen, Biden is a criminal, and Trump innocent. You are seriously a fucking idiot.
@jaroonn Oh all of it is true.
In this thread, in front of any reader who scrolls up, you defended this video:
Black dude: You don't think I would know what a racist is?
White lib: ..... (stunned.... then) ..... I would think you would, but you're deluded.Eat shit, Azov Nazi Retard.
@blablarg18 You really need to get out of your Mom's basement. You've lost your mind.
@jaroonn ...ANR said to mirror
@blablarg18 And you can stop repeating that dialogue which I didn't even listen to. Both of those boys are idiots. I understand why you are on their side.
@jaroonn Hey Azov Nazi Retard - you defended White lib's side of dialogue with this:
Black people cannot be deluded and if they are and you are White you can't call them out on it?
Which was retarded since your own, racist WOKE RULES do say that. Yes.
BUT - If you threw it without knowledge of the debate video - if you "didn't listen" as you NOW claim - well....... Knowledge-free leap, to comment where you had no knowledge & shouldn't comment, is just what Azov Nazi Retard, would do.
Here is dialogue again. Let it sink in.
Black dude: You don't think I would know what a racist is?
White lib: ..... (stunned.... then) ..... I would think you would, but you're deluded. -
@blablarg18 Nice to see you have now made him "black" dude rather than just "Black". Surprised you didn't label him "black bro" to try to ramp up your creds. lol
Ok. I agree. He is deluded. But I am happy to see you suddenly admit that racism must exist. B this is why no one intelligent takes your side seriously when it comes to discussions of racism. You think one, young black conservative guy holds all the answers? I think it is hysterical. In the meantime, you trash talk BLM, CRT, AA, DEI, and Black Democrats. Oh, and btw, racism is not just a "Black" issue.
So the majority of Black academics and politicians say one thing; but you are going with THAT guy.
Let THAT sink in, idiot.
You really are not intellectually or culturally equipped for this debate.
I thought old cracker menz can never be right and black dudes can never be wrong.
You really do suck at your liberal dogma.
@jaroonn said in Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate:
Oh, and btw, racism is not just a "Black" issue.
True, only whites and "near-whites" can not be victims of racism. Except "near-whites" can be victims of racist white people.
I mean, the Chicago kidnapping was clearly racist to conservatives regardless of race, but you people did your bullshit and said that kidnapping and racially abusing a white male teen isn't a hate crime. Then cry that non-whites are oppressed and can only be victims of honkeys, especially honkey menz.
Any non-white person who isn't picking the liberal cotton gets all manner of racist abuse from liberals.
@raphjd I don't know about the Chicago case, so can't comment. If you can stop lumping me in with everything you consider liberal and evil, you might actually agree with me on this. Racism is not just a black issue. Racism is a human issue; I lived in Asia for more than 30 years, and was often a benefactor or victim of racism. Black people have been racist against me. I've been racist at times. My point was that racism exists, but conservatives often either say it doesn't. or it only exists when Whites get the short straw. It is a problem in most countries of the world, not just the US. And we will only solve it if we have honest discussions about it. These stupid anecdotes, like in the video, are just distractions; they prove/solve nothing.
The Chicago kidnapping was a group of blacks kidnapped a mentally disabled white male teen. They live-streamed themselves racially abusing him. They also physically abused him, pissing on his face, making him drink from the toilet that had just been pissed in, etc, etc, etc.
This lasted for 4 days (31 Dec 2016 to 3 Jan 2017), before a cop found him wandering in a daze and injured.
Originally, they were not charged with any sort of hate crime. Later, they were charged with "hate crime against disability". There was never any mention in the livestream about him being disabled. They were very clear they were doing it because they were anti-white. The black woman Democrat DA at the time said that she was not charging them with a racial hate crime because whites (and males) can not be victims of hate crimes. Even the black police chief was outraged at this.
Not long before that, Simone Sanders (Bernie's former press sec during the 2016 primary) said "Oh, poor, poor white people" when a 70+yo white man was dragged out of his car beaten, and had his car stolen, in another live stream. A black chic was live streaming at a bus stop, when he stopped at a red light. She shouted "Hey a white fucker" there was some other shouting by the others nearby. She then shouts "He white, beat his ass". That's when the black males ran up to the car, grabbed him, and started to beat and stomp on him. A couple of the black guys got into the car and started doing donuts in the intersection. After a bit, they took off in the car. No hate crime charges.
@raphjd They should have been charged with hate crimes. But the question still remains: why are you outraged by these incidents yet dismissive of BLM, CRT and the rest? You obviously agree that racism exists, and I think you'd have to admit that it is usually directed at non-whites, all non-whites, in the US and the UK.
@jaroonn said in Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate:
My point was that racism exists, but conservatives often either say it doesn't. or it only exists when Whites get the short straw. It is a problem in most countries of the world, not just the US. And we will only solve it if we have honest discussions about it. These stupid anecdotes, like in the video, are just distractions; they prove/solve nothing.
There will never be an honest discussion when liberals pretend to be saints while being racists.
Hate crime laws are used in a racist way.
It's like in the reporting of crimes MSM. If the criminal is white (or can be labeled white), we know that from the headline. If the criminal is non-white, especially black, they refuse to tell us their races.
People around the world know who Dylan Roof is, but virtually no one knows who Emanuel Samson is. Their crimes are virtually identical. The only difference is that Dylan Roof is white and Emanuel Samson is black. Dylan Roof shot up a black church in a racist hissy fit. Liberals use him to show "white privilege" by the fact that he survived and how the cops treated him. This narrative shows it's a liberal load of shit since Emanuel Samson shot up a white church in a racist hissy fit and he too survived being caught by the cops.
These are examples of what conservatives, of all races, call racism. Of course, there are countless examples that could be added to this, as liberals members racially abusing non-whites who are "guilty" of wrong think; ie not picking the liberal cotton.
Have you buried your head in the sand?
In the UK, the police are arresting whites and jews for going against the muslim mobs. There's countless videos on social media showing this.
Scotland is starting its new hate crime law on 1 April 2024. Police Scotland has already said they are targeting white males. It's even on their fucking website.
Scotland already has an extreme liberal ideology set of hate crime laws. Muslims can say I should be killed because their god says so, because I'm gay. I don't get any exemption to say a similar thing back to them.
Scotland's new law is a leftist wet dream.
@jaroonn said in Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate:
But the question still remains: why are you outraged by these incidents yet dismissive of BLM, CRT and the rest?
BLM, CRT and the rest are blatant non-white shit.
Why do liberals despite crime reports based on race?
Why have countries, cities, etc banned keeping crime stats based on race, calling it racist?
Liberals demonize whites while hiding the truth about which race is doing what.
Liberals want to claim that white men are the most dangerous group in the west, yet over 90% of the people on the terror watch list is Muslim males.
Liberals want to claim that whites are roaming the streets looking for non-whites to murder, but they don't want us to know that according to the FBI/DOJ crime reports, whites are many more times likely to be killed by blacks than the other way around. Same thing in the UK.
@raphjd So in other words: white people=good, conservatives=good. LIBERALS AND PROGRESSIVES=BAD!!!!!!
It's always a joy having intelligent discussions with you. I'm sure you are hit at dinner parties.
So far off point.... Azov Nazi Retard, at work again.
"you suddenly admit racism exists" - Nope. Have fought racism for years.
You either know, or ought to, that my gripe with Woke DEI, CRT, Antifa (white) & BLM is their insane racism.
I'm anti-racist my whole life.
Meanwhile you fail to deal with substance - as always - after your usual pointless post #29 on verge of your ragequit #50.
"conservatives often either say it doesn't. or it only exists when Whites get the short straw" - Wrong again.
I post at length, about Blacks who get short straw. So does Charlie Kirk / TPUSA & several others.
Right here, this thread, have pointed out YOUR LIB RACISM that gives Black dude short straw.
HAHAHAHAHAhahahahhahahaha you utterly retarded clown.
Maybe, some day penny will drop for you @jaroonn , about what utter racist & retard you became.
Meanwhile: You leapt in to comment on a video that, by your own admission, you "didn't listen to" ie. knew nothing of. It said this:
Black dude: You don't think I would know what a racist is?
White lib: ..... (stunned.... then) ..... I would think you would, but you're deluded.Indefensible.
Yet you defended racist when u asked this question as rhetoric:
Black people cannot be deluded and if they are and you are White you can't call them out on it?
RACIST. Either by Woke standards - your own standards - which would tell you Yes - OR, if u discard Woke standards as I do, then because you reinforce & approve White-lib racist's shameful conduct.
@jaroonn Apologize for your racism!
Your "response" was no-responsive.
Liberals/regressives are shit.
They knowingly lie about things, bury the facts, etc while spewing shit.
Liberals gave birth to and killed free speech on college campuses (ironically on the very same campus; Berkeley) within a span of 50 years.
They call conservatives racist, while being guilty of the racism of low expectations.
They redefine words to suit their agendas.
Liberals claim to be anti-segregation until it's segregation that blacks want, like classrooms in Atlanta, college dorms, graduation ceremonies, Boston City Council Christmas parties, and on and on and on and on and on...................
"Anti-racism" used to mean being against racism, but in the last 5 years, liberals have made it into racism against whites.
Everything is deemed as "white supremacy".
Being on time is white supremacy.
The nuclear family is white supremacy.
Math is white supremacy.
Correct answers is white supremacy.
Passing tests is white supremacy.
Driver's Licenses are white supremacy.
Car insurance is white supremacy.
Paying your bills is white supremacy.
The list liberals have created of what they deem white supremacy is constantly growing to demonize and blame whites.
@raphjd I know. Poor, poor white people. We've had such a hard