Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate
@raphjd Just like libs here.
They CLAIM to want give it... & they flee.
Or move goalposts. Or spew crap they imagined. 3 tactics.
"Trump was charged in 4 different jurisdictions. They can't all be biased!"
they can
But this was classic. "Trump did not make the vaccine! It was already being made for 10 or 15 years!"
Libs threw away a big chance, on covid vaxx.
Trump, OPERATION WARP SPEED, made them - & vaxx ended lockdowns yay - but also hurt people.
Trump never wanted to mandate vaxx - Only libs did. Still, libs could have long ago pivoted to: blame Trump for vaxx injuries, vaxx deaths.
& libs haven't. Biiiiiig miss.
Another great exchange....
Black dude: You don't think I would know what a racist is?
White lib: ..... (stunned.... then) ..... I would think you would, but you're deluded.White lib arrogance.
@raphjd So I am guessing you think the two, young conservatives are "killing it" in that debate. That explains everything.
They are doing way better than the old guy. He's refusing facts because he doesn't want to believe them, due to his extreme TDS.
He's also racist because he thinks black people are picking the DNC cotton.
@jaroonn So u with Arrogant White Lib who called Black 'deluded' to his face? FIGURES ......... Azov Nazi strikes again.
@raphjd You people and your "facts." What a riot.
@jaroonn U did volunteer for front lines, right? Right?
(Since you expect others to die in Ukraine, and West to start nuclear WW3 over it)
@blablarg18 said in Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate:
So u with Arrogant White Lib who called Black 'deluded' to his face?
Do you mean the black guy? Or is his name Black? lol
Anyway, what's your point? Black people cannot be deluded and if they are and you are White you can't call them out on it? How typically racist of you.
@jaroonn Hey Team Vampire - I only apply your own Woke Rules to you.
It's your Woke Rules..................................... You're the racist.
check mirror
@blablarg18 Idiot.
@jaroonn ...said Moron Who Defends What Is Indefensible.
Black dude: You don't think I would know what a racist is?
White lib: ..... (stunned.... then) ..... I would think you would, but you're deluded.Next thing - you'll defend dictators who cancel scheduled elections. (cough)
@blablarg18 You are an idiot. Or maybe a Russian bot. I'm really starting to think the later. You only pretend to be critical of Putin. Also I can tell my your interlanguage when you try to use English that your native language doesn't have Russian for example
Azov Nazi Retard reverts to his form
And quote you directly, "Also I can tell my your interlanguage" - What does that mean?
HAHAHAHahahahahahah !
You @jaroonn are the racist who when mad, can't even make sense................ as you defend this:
Black dude: You don't think I would know what a racist is?
White lib: ..... (stunned.... then) ..... I would think you would, but you're deluded.Indefensible.
@blablarg18 Methinks the comrade doth protest too
@jaroonn Keep digging your hole, Azov Nazi Retard.
& let us know when u enlist
@blablarg18 said in Trump Supporter vs Liberal - debate:
And quote you directly, "Also I can tell my your interlanguage" - What does that mean?
Sorry. That should have been "by" rather than "my." If you were more intelligent, you would have been able to figure that out; but I shouldn't make fun of retards
@jaroonn ...said Azov Nazi Retard to bathroom mirror.
Why don't you run off & find something else, that's reprehensible & indefensible, but of course you like it?
Maybe some child-porn books in school library. Or dictator somewhere who just canceled elections. Or some more Whites putting down Blacks, racism that you're fond of.
You'd know best.
@blablarg18 But then with whom could you practice your insipid banter and infantile insults?
@jaroonn ......ANR said to mirror
@blablarg18 LOL...little boy. You really need to do better than that