Babylon Bee predicts Biden tweet - 18 months in advance - word for word
July 27, 2022: 'You Can’t Be Pro-Insurrection And Pro-American,' Says President Of Nation Founded By An Insurrection
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The president shot back at what he called "Super Duper Ultra MAGA Turbo Titans" Monday as he claimed "you can't be pro-insurrection and pro-American" despite being the commander in chief of a nation founded by an insurrection...
A few days ago, Criminal tweets:
My comment:
Like with South Park, the Babylon Bee has predicted a lot of things.
Criminal Biden doubles down:
Again: His country was literally founded by insurrection.
And they put it in USA Consitution:
1A, right to protest
2A, right to keep your State free of federal tyranny - by armed, citizen militia
But #DementiaHitler is either too dumb to know it or too evil to admit it - maybe both.