EXCLUSIVE: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room (GRAPHIC)
Saucy amateur clip, I'm a bit surprised if it hasn't been torrented yet.
Staffer & boss not ID'd yet in media - but Twitter comments suggest staffer is known & belongs to Ben Cardin (D).
I was just going to post this.
The staffer uploaded the videos, but I have no idea where.
Here are 2 screenshots from Twitter.
It looks like it COULD/MAYBE be the guy at the back by the screen.
@raphjd I'll give him this: Nice haircut. And legs muscles not bad.
I like his back.
@raphjd But is this protest? Speech? Insurrection?
It doesn't interrupt official proceedings.
But does symbolize, for world to see, USA Congress as fuckhouse, gay bath house, whore house.
It's a whore house to be sure.
@raphjd Ooh not saying Aidan Maese-Czeropski did it - but on his own, he has made statement.
Plays victim card. I say he is a victim - of his parents, that deranged name.
PS . If him: How weird that he thinks "love" is bareback stunt-fucking.
I might be fine with bareback stunt-fucking. I just see what it is.
It's bareback stunt-fucking. Love is something different.
I know what time of day it is. Libs clearly don't. Deranged.
Oh look @hubrys I know you'd want George Santos' take. https://twitter.com/MrSantosNY/status/1736073437427249544
Having sex in a United States government building and filming it is the reason you got heat.
You being gay and having gay sex NO BODY gives a rats ass…
No one is perusing a political agenda, we are just disgusted about your VILE behavior as a staffer to a United States senator.
Now you do put a new definition to “Fuck around and find out”!
Aidan you will forever be remembered as the Democrats favorite sloppy bottom…
"Democrats will heal USA, restore dignity. Grownups in charge." And here they are... um I'd rather go back to Mean Tweets.
Of course, Establishment GOP is as bad.
Entire "Uniparty" is ridiculous mess.
@raphjd Biden will appoint Aidan to be the next Secratary of State.
Who does Aidan Maese-Czeropski think he is? Having sex in the capitol? Bill Clinton?
I have a question, how many times do you think people have had sex in that room (or anywhere in the white house) before this idiot got caught, because I can guarantee that people have done this before this mess happened
@amd11 And yet Lauren Boebert caught huge flak, maybe mmore, for only getting her boob grabbed.
How many people uploaded their sex videos?
@raphjd Would be great if anybody knew who uploaded.
Maese-Czeropski's own smirk-upload?
Bf's revenge-upload?
Or a warning shot, by someone else to someone else? Top levels of all governments said to be giant mutual-blackmail rings, USA especially.
Back to @amd11's point - There are sure to be, um, alternate angles on this & many other infractions, from 24/7 building security.
I just never thought about it before.
LOL someone put him in Parliament - & clothed - but close enough.