NYT changes to Gaza hospital story
How propaganda evolves.
Been seeing a bunch of this kind of thing.
@raphjd BOTH could be correct...
For instance.. Hamas could have launched a rocket that was damaged by Israel's new LASER which does not necessarily destroy the rockets, but damages them so that they do not hit their intended target.
Gaza is so densely populated that anytime something falls from the sky, there is a considerable risk of hitting a building and killing someone.
The media only pay attention to news they can SHOW with video. If something is not seen either happening or it's aftermath, it gets ignored. The problem with that is the weapons and military operations of Hamas are UNDERGROUND.Also, it is known that Hamas uses civilians and civilian structures as human sheilds. It is possible that ordinance was being stored at that hospital, and in preparations to USE it, the ordinance went off. Remember that at the WTC on 9/11, there were a lot of small explosions coming from INSIDE the building that were not near the point of impact by the planes.
Regardless of the cause, I would suggest that everybody cancel any vacation plans they have to go to Gaza anytime soon.
Current info: Hamas fired the rocket, it hit parking lot, Hamas staged a grisly production - arranging corpses & whatnot.
Not saying it's true. Only that it's current.