Canada PM honors Ukraine Nazi (Waffen-SS vet), then tries to cry about it
First - background.
The Waffen-SS (German: [ˈvafn̩ʔɛsˌʔɛs]; Armed SS) was the combat branch of the Nazi Party's paramilitary Schutzstaffel (SS) organisation. Its formations included men from Nazi Germany, along with volunteers and conscripts from both occupied and unoccupied lands... 1943...the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) formed from volunteers from Galicia in western Ukraine.The above is Wikipedia: already well-scrubbed by pro-Ukraine, lib & CIA activists.
Even they must give "Ukraine" several mentions in general article for Waffen-SS, with reference to massacre of Jews in Ukraine by Ukrainians.
Next - meet 98-year old veteran, Yaroslav Hunka.
Here is a pic, from Associated Press, of Zelensky and Canada PM Trudeau giving Hunka standing ovation:
So "First Ukrainian Division" musta been awesome helped Russia beat Germany, right? Nope. Wrong.
"First Ukrainian Division" was Waffen-SS, helped Germany fight local Jews & Russia. AP caption failed to note it.
Here's the real story:
The Parliament of Canada provided a loud, all-party standing ovation Friday to Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old who served with the Nazi Waffen-SS during the Second World War...
Hunka was a guest of Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Zelensky was in Ottawa to address a joint session of Parliament and to pick up more military aid....
[Lib] House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota gushed over Hunka’s presence [saying Hunka] was ["hero" and] a "veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians"...Rota did not attempt to explain the Second World War...was an ally of [the same Russians]...
Noted journalist David Pugliese has recently written of how Canada allowed thousands of former Waffen-SS members into Canada after the Second World War in much the same way as the United States smuggled Nazi rocket scientists into the country during the same period under the auspices of Operation Paperclip.
It is not the first time the Trudeau government has supported Nazism – as long it comes from Ukraine.
As media publisher Ezra Levant noted, "Last year, [Lib Deputy PM] Chrystia Freeland held up a scarf promoting a far-right Ukrainian Nationalist movement linked to Neo-Nazis commemorating Stefan Bandera, the Nazi criminal. Freeland deleted her social media posts, but not before the photo was saved."
Freeland’s office not only rushed to take down the photo from the minister’s website but maintained Freeland had been a victim of "Russian disinformation"...
...Freeland’s grandfather worked as a Nazi propagandist, a fact she denied for years.
As the truth emerged on social media and by protest from Jewish groups, Canada leaders realized they'd better make a show of repentance.
Rota apologized Sunday [9/24, Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur] after he said he "subsequently became aware of more information" about Hunka's past.
Libs are shameful idiots.
Justin Castro - oops Trudeau - tried to tear-up and look grave as he, as Freeland once did, shifted the blame quick to "Russian propaganda, Russian disinformation"........... like that had anything to do with it. (No.)
Amazing silence from ADL - Anti Defamation League.
Well in Dec 2022, ADL did decide suddenly that Ukraine Nazis don't count anymore & Azov Battalion weren't a Nazi skinhead group.
The phases of ADL & Liberal cope:
@blablarg18 Somehow, this doesn't surprise me. For the last 3 elections, we Canadians have been trying to boot him out of office, however because he bought the vote of foreign students in a little scheme he devised, he managed to hang onto power.
I can assure you that he in no way represents the values of Canadians. He is hands down the worst prime minister we have ever had, and he's also the most corrupt we've ever had. When he gets into trouble, he always buys his way out of it by doing things like appointing his uncle as the judge to oversee the case and in the end, allow him to get away with what he has done.
I for one honestly cannot wait for the next election as hopefully, we will be able to finally get him the hell out of office so we can finally start to move forward again as a country. He's an embarrassment to Canadians in my opinion.
@MrMazda Agree - we're in a world where no country's good ordinary people are represented by the crooks & frauds who rig its elections.
The UK is run by Pro-EU, WEF "acolytes" (as Klaus Schwab called his members).
One of the Scandinavian countries ousted their WEF-worshipping leader a few months ago.
Most European leaders are acolytes of Klaus and the WEF.
There was actually a recent headline about this in the Toronto Sun.... Trudeau didn't like it. All the headline read was "I DID NAZI THAT COMING"
wow Rota did resign. So there's some accountability. Just not enough.
btw / getting off topic, but... Here's why I call him Justin Castro.
It's widely rumored that
Pierre & Margaret Trudeau were swingers, into mate swapping, affairs, cucking etc
around time Justin was conceived, Margaret accompanied Pierre on a trip to Cuba where they stayed at Castro's house
Lib rag, Politico, jumps shark - rationalizes Hunka:
This history is complicated because fighting against the USSR at the time didn’t necessarily make you a Nazi...
If u were an independent guerilla, maybe - just maybe.
But Hunka was literal SS. Enlisted, trained & fought with Waffen-SS.
Yes it makes him Nazi soldier.
Canada’s enemies have thus latched on to these simple narratives...
Yet, it’s not just enemies of democracy that are subscribing to the seductively simple. Jewish advocacy groups...Get it? Ur "simplistic" "enemy of democracy" & "Canada's enemy," if u speak truth.
Even if Jewish!
Another "Meme come true":
Bristol police jump shark - LITERALLY ARREST JOURNALIST who discussed this topic:
Warren Thornton...
...had just broadcast news of Canada's international embarrassment when the police arrived.
...officers...were unable to say exactly what video posts led to his arrest...
Thornton, after spending a night in jail, was released Monday. The police decided not to charge him.
In a post on Rumble, Thornton described his ordeal with police as "jolly interesting" and said he asked if he was being charged with anything except spreading "malinformation." The police said he was not.Remember: It's for "safety" - not censorship. /sarc
I saw the Justin Castro thing a few years ago and haven't been able to unsee it since.
Justin looks more like Castro than his supposed dad.
@raphjd Yes.
Another is Barry Soetero with Frank Marshall Davis. Davis knew Barry's white-ass commie-lib mom in Hawaii, right around when Barry was conceived.
Which is why I think Barry is USA citizen, I never bought that he wasn't. He fake in 9900 ways - other than that.