What designates a COLLECTION?
I RARELY download "collections" anymore, because I rarely want 95% of what is in the collection, and worse - I can't FIND the 5% I want buried in that pile of stuff I do NOT want.
I feel that collections should only be several videos featuring the SAME PERFORMER
several videos featuring a fetish such as swallowing cum, older / younger, scat, piss, bondage, etc.Just being videos from the same studio is NOT enough to create a collection out of those videos. Just being solo, or twinks, or hunks, or bears, is not enough to create a collection.
Even when the videos are the same performer, the solo videos shoult be uploaded either separately or in a separate folder.
Also, I urge people who find a video that they think is excellent that is in a collection, to extract that video from the collection and upload it on it's OWN. This should NOT be considered a duplicate. Consider someone uploading a collection of 200 gigs of videos from a single studio or performer. Very few people CAN download something that big. That should not wipe out every one of those videos that are uploaded separately.
@lololulu19 Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine?
I mostly agree with you. I would say the exception is "site-rip" ... example "XYZ.com 2015" I would like to see some meaningful rules around collections, or simply ban them! A negative side-affect of ratio enforcement is that folk are encouraged to dump whatever crap they have into a collection and post it! Definitely makes for too much noise!
At the very least, I would like to see a HARD enforcement of "contact sheets" (aka "cut sheets"). I would also like to see a HARD limit on collection size. Nothing wrong or difficult with "Part 1" ... "Part 2" ... ...
I have one collection in my active torrents that is almost 1/4 TB ... TRULY ABSURD! (But it is a partial site-rip of UHD video ... so it does meet my exception criteria
The worst is the onlyFans dumps ... almost always a golden nugget in there SOMEWHERE ... but NEVER easy to find.
@wrongagain You reminded me of another disaster...
when someone posts a collection - which may have some good content - BUT the filenames are RANDOM!Do I have hours to search through hundreds of titles to find the one I want? "Oh, yes! It's 23aafFagawt437-qz0.mp4"