Fox insider: Fox carries water for Big Pharma, Biden Regime; Tucker "ousted" as part of "Dominion settlement"
Gay angle? OMG's undercover journalist here is same who ensnared Jordan Trichton Walker for Project Veritas (
Does he sleep with the guys? Hmm.
Anyway, undercover journalist gets Sean Langille, Fox producer, to blab that:
yes Fox like all the rest, takes ton$ of $$ from Big Pharma
Tucker was ousted sorta for conflicting with that, but more specifically "as part of the Dominion settlement"
and, "nobody has put together yet" the Biden connection, how Dominion's key PR/messaging person in all this came from Biden White House
Stuff I said or maybe half-suspected...another day of BEING RIGHT.
Tucker Carlson has been a PITA of many industries, but Fox was willing to take the grief because he brought in so much cash.
It was the secret part of the Dominion settlement that finally forced him out.
Plus Lachlan Murdoch is a little leftist bitch. He's waiting for his dad to die so he can make Fox into his version of CNN.