Request: In Thrust We Trust
Hi, all! Does anyone have the vintage film In Thrust We Trust? (It stars Randy Cochran, Paul Hanson, among others. I've been looking for it for ages and can only find one scene (which was one of those I watched as a teen when I was exploring my sexuality), so it's very nostalgic to me. If anybody has the full film, can they please torrent it? I'd be eternally grateful!
Could I suggest, in the nicest possible way without sounding like I'm having a go at all, that you have a read through the site and forum rules again?
From the rules:
"Requests for uploads are strictly prohibited. This includes the torrent descriptions, comments, forum and shoudbox."
@kingjamking It's actually already been shared here:, so there was no need to break the rules
Sadly though it's a long time dead
I hit the re-seed button, so maybe a kind soul will decide to reseed it for you, but in my experience only about 1 in 5 reseed requests actually results in any seeders being found. If the torrent does come back to life, you can contact the helpdesk and ask them to freeleech it, which will help it stay alive.
@kingjamking I'd also suggest that you download the torrent and start it in your client even though there are no active seeders. If I get a reseed request and I see that there's someone trying to leech the stuff, I'm more inclined to jump in...assuming of, course, that I still have the content.
@frostycab I'm so sorry! I'll delete this right away!