Vanishing trackers in my utorrent client
I use about half a dozen different torrent servers. In utorrent, you have the option of seeing which tracker is associated with which torrent. That way, you can easily separate your gay porn files from your hollywood musicals, and disney movies, and home improvement demos.
I use four gay torrent services, and those trackers have to exist for the files to be downloaded, and subsequently shared / seeded / uploaded. I have notices that there are a lot of BLANK entries in the tracker column in which the torrent file associated with them is not only offline (dead) but has been purged from that server. Of the four gay torrent services I use, only ONE of those services has vanishing trackers (which can no longer be shared / seeded). Guess which one? HINT: Sounds like leasing a crocodile's cousin. -
@lololulu19 Uh, you mean Gaytor Rent?
@pupkinvasya Yes.. that is the correct site.
Things vanish for no reason, BEFORE it would even be possible for someone to send their fraudulent DMCA notice. Things are being purged WITHOUT anybody complaining just because someone doesn't like certain videos. -
@lololulu19 So, how is this happening and what kind of certain videos?