"we own the science"
No, this isn't Fauci saying "I am the science", it's the UN this time telling the World Economic Forum the truth about censorship.
@raphjd Anyone, Fauci or your average lib or whoever, if they talk about "The Science" they're a dolt. Room-temperature IQ.
I trust specific scienceS like physics chemistry biology etc., done by scienTIFIC METHOD including debate & disagreement.
But never the countless dummies mouthing "The Science" as the Mystic Authority of their own, idiot pseudo-religion.
Liberals reject science they don't like, just like they reject definitions of words they don't like.
Fauci said "I am the Science" and the UN says "we own the science". I'm not sure why liberals don't see the problem in that.
The UN woman is saying that the UN and big tech conspire to shut down those who disagree with their "science".
It's scary considering 500+ peer-reviewed articles had to be pulled because there was a conspiracy to falsely peer-review articles.
@raphjd Well you know that "liberal" is a misnomer. It should mean, having to do with liberty (rights of the individual against the group/State).
But decades ago, socialists & commies having gotten a bad name, needed to re-brand themselves and took over the word liberal.
So libs today are authoritarian socialists. Everything is "Respect mah autoritay!" and "Fund me! All ur monies r belong to us!" and quasi-religious worship of Chosen authority figures, sustained by lies & doublethink as objective facts long ago ceased to matter.