Upload privileges revoked for 90 days?
Hey guys!
Yesterday, I tried to upload a file via QTM a few times, but after all the torrent creation and images uploading was completed, the app simply didn't make any torrents at all, and the "upload" button then became enabled again for clicking, as I hadn't clicked on it the first time...
So I decided to upload it manually, but when I clicked on the "Upload" option on the website, it showed me the following message:
"Due to our receiving a multitude of takedown requests regarding material you have uploaded, your upload privileges are hereby revoked for 90 days."
I wasn't even aware of such rule! I've had "a multitude of takedown requests" many times after uploading several files by the same studio (sometimes by totally different ones) in a short period of time.
Anyway, I'd never been suspended because of this before. I haven't posted anything against the rules, they're all only DMCA takedowns...
Has anyone else ever had this issue?
@fredfranco said in Upload privileges revoked for 90 days?:
Hey guys!
Yesterday, I tried to upload a file via QTM a few times, but after all the torrent creation and images uploading was completed, the app simply didn't make any torrents at all, and the "upload" button then became enabled again for clicking, as I hadn't clicked on it the first time...
So I decided to upload it manually, but when I clicked on the "Upload" option on the website, it showed me the following message:
"Due to our receiving a multitude of takedown requests regarding material you have uploaded, your upload privileges are hereby revoked for 90 days."
I wasn't even aware of such rule! I've had "a multitude of takedown requests" many times after uploading several files by the same studio (sometimes by totally different ones) in a short period of time.
Anyway, I'd never been suspended because of this before. I haven't posted anything against the rules, they're all only DMCA takedowns...
Has anyone else ever had this issue?
Only a moderator will have the access to see why your rights have been curtailed in this manner. You ask for help in that way through the helpdesk:
https://www.gaytor.rent/helpdesk.php -
@fredfranco I think I have been hit with the same penalty.
I didn't have any DMCA issues for several months.. maybe even for over a year.. but 2 days ago I got 3 in less than an hour, and I can't upload anymore.
It seems that all torrents with the word "Staxus" in them have been removed from the system. Removing Staxus from the site is like removing Florida from the map of the USA.
@lololulu19 said in Upload privileges revoked for 90 days?:
@fredfranco I think I have been hit with the same penalty.
I didn't have any DMCA issues for several months.. maybe even for over a year.. but 2 days ago I got 3 in less than an hour, and I can't upload anymore.
It seems that all torrents with the word "Staxus" in them have been removed from the system. Removing Staxus from the site is like removing Florida from the map of the USA.
Some of you act as-if you have an inherent RIGHT to download Staxus content without paying for it!
Having been a member here since 2008, I can tell you that this kind of thing is not new. (Look around: how much Bel Ami or Freshmen content do you see? There are other entire studios that are totally absent as well!)
The site owner has always made it clear: his intent is to provide a platform where people can share their porn, and their thoughts about porn, openly and freely. And when that sharing is demonstrably shown to be in violation of the law, he will abide by the law!
Why is it that you accept the rule about banning pedophilia, but you argue about the rule that says that a legitimate DMCA take down request will be honored?
Sometimes studios go through a "spate" of these things - there was a time when Corbin Fisher was actually SUING people who shared their content online!
Typically, these enforcement periods come and go - ebb and flow... in the meantime, find other porn you like!
@fredfranco said in Upload privileges revoked for 90 days?:
Anyway, I'd never been suspended because of this before. I haven't posted anything against the rules, they're all only DMCA takedowns...
Abusing the Copyright/DMCA Notice procedures set forth above, or misrepresenting facts in a DMCA Notice or Counter-Notification will void any request submitted to the site. A third of all takedown requests have been linked to fraudulent competitive marketing strategies. Accordingly, we require verification of any third-parties claiming to be an agent or representative of a copyright owner.[edit]
Upon receipt of any notification of claimed copyright infringement, the site will expeditiously investigate, disable and/or remove access of any material that is believed in fact or circumstance to be infringed material. The affected user shall be notified and afforded the opportunity to submit a counter-notification within 14 days. After the site receives such counter-notification, it will replace the material at issue within 10-14 days unless the site receives notice that a court action has been filed by the complaining party seeking an injunction against the infringing activity. The site has the right to terminate the account of repeat copyright infringers.see >>> https://community.gaytorrent.ru/topic/58255/dmca-takedown?_=1649158258707
DMCA POLICY AND PROCEDURES section is for copyright owners that wish to make a takedown request, isn't it?
The part that mentions "Abuse", as I understand, has nothing to do with how many torrents have been removed for copyright infringement.
I couldn't find any rules stating that having many takedowns will cause you to have your "upload privileges" revoked for 90 days.
The email that accompanies a DMCA takedown specifically tells you that there will be no ramifications - no penalties - against you.
If you feel you've been punished for a DMCA removal, then there may be a system issue - write the helpdesk
Hello everyone,
I have written this message several times and it all comes down to the central message:
Staff DO NOT discuss DMCA actions. This is handled by the administrators and staff cannot even see what was removed.
The other addition: Helpdesk cannot unlock the upload rights. The restriction is placed higher than our powers can reach. I do not mind answering your helpdesk queries, but I can promise you the answer is going to be the same.
Thank you,
DandyLion -
@DandyLion If someone has a question about DMCA, they can always check the website which is a massive catalog of ALL copyrights so they don't upload anything that has a copyright. Nothing I have ever uploaded has a copyright.
https://coccatalog.loc.gov/ -
@lololulu19 said in Upload privileges revoked for 90 days?:
@DandyLion If someone has a question about DMCA, they can always check the website which is a massive catalog of ALL copyrights so they don't upload anything that has a copyright. Nothing I have ever uploaded has a copyright.
https://coccatalog.loc.gov/Your assumption that a copyright has to be registered, in the same way a patent, or a trademark, is registered, is incorrect.
A copyrightable work is protected by copyright laws the moment it is created and fixed in a material form. Registering your work is voluntary, but can be beneficial. Registration legally sets a "creation date" (in case someone claims parallel creation), as well as establishing your intent to defend your copyright protections.
You have erroneously claimed (multiple times) here on these forums that porn cannot be copyrighted... I have referenced here before - on multiple occasions - that the site CorbinFisher.com went through a spell where they were suing illegal downloaders and getting large judgements against defendants!
A company called Strike 3 was subsequently hired by a few porn companies to "aggressively assert their DMCA rights" and filed THOUSANDS of complaints. While most of those were thrown out by lower courts, in 2020 Appellate Courts reinstated them!
Read here...