Illinois Governor Gave $300K of Federal Relief Funding to Black Lives Matter
"According to a White House fact sheet describing the funding that was published in April, BLM received a grant to stop “the increased potential for violence in underserved and disproportionately impacted communities.”"
"In addition to the money given to BLM, Pritzker’s office used the federal COVID-19 funding to award two different grants to the Welcoming Centers for Immigrant Integration Services — one for $14 million and one for $5 million. The report indicates $258 million covered the operational expense of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency."
Yep, those clearly are Covid related.
It is proof that BLM and most Foundations are ways to launder money.
@raphjd the bottom line is.. democrats will pander to any group of people where they can pick up some votes. Democrats don't give a damn about anybody nor anything. All they care about is power and being in control, and will do absolutely anything to anybody to get it and keep it. Period.
I totally agree with you