Poop on the Streets is the Policy, Not Density (Liberals VANISH)
What happened to the liberals who claimed it was density, rather than (Spendtindo) policy? When liberals get in control, anything goes. You wanna backtrack? No! You're never wrong. Dispose of your dirty needles on the street. That's OK. There's nothing wrong with Dem policies, is there?
To add to this, Dallas IS liberal, and has similar problems to San Fran, like Austin too. You can rob a store if you're a minority. But the thing is, every city around Dallas - combined, is bigger than Dallas, and has more density than Dallas. So the area known as DFW (Dallas Fort Worth), with it's many cities, is more populated than Dallas itself, but only the city of Dallas and Ft Worth to a degree has these problems because of it's policies.
I know, because that's where I live. Plano, just a little north, has the highest gun ownership in the country, and the lowest gun violence, and the best schools in the country. This is why Bush lives there, why Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman raised their kids their in Plano, and why hundreds of thousands are fleeing Cali.
Oh and btw for those of you who attack Alex Jones for selling supplements like everyone to Amazon, I love Turbo Force! It's delicious and clean. Fuck you if you just attack it without trying it. It's great stuff! DFW is very dense, most dense in Dallas of course, but the crime only exists in certain areas of Dallas because the polices say you can rob a store if you're a minority in the amount of $20, like Austin, also a place I lived.
We posted about this when liberal cities decriminalized shitting and pissing in public.
Liberals defended it with the usual mental gymnastics.
@raphjd It's ok. We're going to win. We're not going to tolerate their ass-inine bullshit. It's your policy to let people shit on the street? That's who we're up against??? LOL. Damn. This is a total setup for failure on their part. It almost seems intentional. It's so pathetic, so lame, so ridiculous, and yet they defend it! How do you let people shit on the streets and actually think that you're justified? Only if you're totally fucking nuts. We win. There's not even a contest or a competition. The writing is on the wall. "You're racist!!!!" isn't gonna fly anymore. Black people are too stupid to get an ID and also too stupid to understand that you shit in the toilet according to liberals. They're the dumbest pieces of shit on this planet and they need abortions and they need vaccines. I'm ok with that. I think I'm starting to understand why the elites want to eliminate them. And I'm talking about liberals aborting their future, not blacks (I have to be specific because they're too stupid to understand what I'm saying if I don't).
When you say "poop in the streets is policy" what policy are you referring to? The only Dallas city ordinance I know of regarding poop in the streets is the following:
City of Dallas, Texas Code of Ordinances
VOL 2, SEC. 31-18: URINATING OR DEFECATING IN PUBLICA person commits an offense if he urinates or defecates:
- in or on a public street, alley, sidewalk, yard, park, building, structure, plaza, public or utility right-of-way, or other public place; or
- in public view.
That policy has been on the books for decades.
Since you live there, when you mention "policies", please cite these policies as they're codified in the law books.
We've talked about this before.
Liberal cities have decriminalized shitting in the streets, except for in front of Pelosi's house.
Ring any bells?
@manhandler I'm sure Plano really is the Garden of Eden you've described. But just to be sure, let’s take a look at what actions the Plano mayor and city council have completed recently, by examining a handful of city ordinances they passed last year:
Resolution No. 2020-7-1:- To approve a contract with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in an amount not to exceed $192,675 for the Homeless Housing and Services Program .
$200K for homeless people? Maybe that’s why Plano has less of them. The city simply pays them off. That's your tax dollars at work.
Ordinance No. 2020-7-4:- To repeal section 2-100 of the City Code of Ordinances in its entirety, requiring training for elected and appointed officials of the City with regards to the city’s code of conduct, ethics, conflicts of interest, open meetings, public information, discrimination and harassment free workplaces, and diversity.
Because who needs boring diversity training and pesky lessons in ethics? Certainly not Plano city employees!
Ordinance No. 2020-7-5:- Authorizing the quit claim of all right, title and interest of the City of Plano in a 0.5 acre right-of-way property, recorded in Cabinet F, Page 372, of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, being situated in the James Ledbetter Survey, abstract No. 545, located within the city limits of Plano, Collin County, Texas; surrendered to the abutting property owner, the East Plano Islamic Center.
The City of Plano donated this land to Plano’s Islamic Center. How nice of them to do that. I’m sure it will be put to constructive use.
Ordinance No. 2021-4-5:- To transfer the total sum of $1,640,294 from the following Unappropriated fund balances: General Fund ($1,473,584), Convention & Tourism Fund ($21,552), Water & Sewer Fund ($61,228), Sustainability & Environmental Services Fund ($49,467), Municipal Drainage Fund ($13,565), Recreation Revolving Fund ($9,127), Golf Course Fund ($3,704), Risk Management Fund ($3,684), and the PTV Fund ($4,383), to each of the listed Fund Operating Appropriations for fiscal year 2020-21 for the purpose of a mid-year 2% across the board pay increase for all city employees.
Because Plano city employees deserve more money for all their hard work, they’re getting a big raise. Unfortunately to pay for the raise, the city must take $1.6 million from a whole bunch of funds, including $65K from Plano's Golf Course and Water and Sewage funds. Let’s just hope the sewers don’t get backed up, or it may start to smell. If there are any problems, all their hard work paying the homeless to poop elsewhere may be for naught.
@spintendo Oh my God!!! That's TERRIBLE!!! More money for city employees like teachers and cops and more money to help homeless people!!! WOW!!! And taking away from a "general fund" and "golf course fund" that beautifies the neighborhoods so people want to live here? Thing is, those general funds are just that, extra money (because conservatives are conservative with their money and can do that), and the golf courses don't need money from the city because they are privately owned, so they're giving more money to the people who need or deserve it. That sounds JUST TERRIBLE!!! How dare those conservatives!!! A whole HALF of an ACRE in TEXAS to an Islamic community that pays their taxes??? Jesus. They must have converted to Satanism! You have no comparison to make, and you think you made a point, but you didn't. The sewage problem isn't an issue because Plano instituted something called TECHNOLOGY and prioritizes maintenance and upkeep which reduces the cost, hence, the extra funds, because that's how we role. We actually know what the hell we're doing here, and that's why Liberals are fleeing their shitholes. As far as your sarcastic claim about ethics, we keep it simple, and guess what, everyone gets along and it's called ORDER, not CHAOS, like the liberal shitholes that allow people to murder and let you off easy, or do 2 billion in damages and dismiss all the cases as "mostly peaceful." You are full of nonsense and even a five year old would understand, but you do not, because you have been brainwashed and doing the bidding of the elites who love all of this, unwittingly.
You heard it here first people: ManHandler approves of giving money to homeless people, free land to Muslims, and pay raises for attorneys who represent thieves and criminals (public defenders). Who would have guessed? Thank you for your honesty!
It seems to me the revelation here is that it's not the policies themselves that you dislike... rather, it's who enacts those policies. If a democrat gave money to homeless people or free land to Muslims, ManHandler would ensure that this whole forum would never hear the end of it. However, when conservatives perform those actions, it makes everything okay.
For Manhandler, it's all about presentation and performance. Here we have a whole list of city ordinances which appear to ManHandler as virtuous when performed by a conservative-run city. These same actions are vices when performed in liberal-run cities. Hypocrisy is a tribute that vice pays to virtue.
There's a reason why I chose those particular ordinances to highlight (knowing full well that, because of where they were passed, you'd jump up to support them). The majority of those ordinances have their origins in progressive liberalism. Giving money to chronically homeless people is not a core Conservative value. Giving away city-owned land to organizations for free is not a core conservative value. Mandating training in diversity is not a core Conservative value. Giving city employees an across the board pay raise is not a core conservative value (conservatives value raises garnered through individual merit, like hard work and singular accomplishment).
So from now on, whenever you see these same actions occur somewhere else and cry foul, a little piece of you deep inside will feel betrayed, because those same actions performed by others were once given an "OK" by you.
The last one about ethics and "keeping it simple" and "order and chaos" LoL Not much thought put into that response, eh? Which is why you listed it last. Not worthy of our time.
My guess is you'd be the first to agree that today's PC environment is too litigious. So put some effort into thinking why it's probably not a good idea to leave your city employees open to lawsuits by not preparing them with training that helps the city avoid lawsuits. Do a risk benefit comparison....the costs of hiring attorneys to fight PC lawsuits.... versus the costs of hiring someone to show city employees a PowerPoint on avoiding PC lawsuits. Which one is cheaper?
Any monies saved could be re-invested in their Golf Course Fund!
@spintendo Everything you just said is totally ridiculous, I'll explain why after my smoke break.
@spintendo Let’s start with your assumption that the city of Plano is paying off the homeless to not shit on the streets. You don’t know that and it’s bogus. Your assumption that I’d protest the city of LA for donating land to Muslims because Democrats did it is false as well. I have no issue with Muslims, because I’m not Christian. I’m not liberal either. I reside in the realm of “Both Christians AND Communist Liberals are both wrong, but Republican policies are mostly responsible.” You also tried to misconstrue what I said about the West Coast allowing people to shit on the streets as though that’s a policy in Dallas. Three wrongs right off the bat.
Then you go on to ignore the idea that it has nothing to do with density which I stated, because the surrounding areas of Dallas are conservative AND more dense, and these problems hardly exist there because of policy. You have no defense for that and like to change the subject so you don’t have to answer to your obvious blunder.
Then you go on to say that public defenders (who I will agree are mostly terrible people just looking for a buck), are anything more than necessary. Every person has the right to an attorney. The system sucks, but it has to provide for them, and it’s a system, coming from the English for sewer system. No argument there, but they aren’t the ones getting pay raises, because they’re understood as garbage people. You ignore totally that teachers and cops are getting raises – why didn’t you acknowledge that?
There is nothing wrong with classic liberalism, I’m all for that. The Democrat Party is communist, not liberal. Liberal is not fascist, another fallacy you make. You wanna talk about ethics but what you mean is to say that Christianity is evil, and it’s the basis for Western Civilization and if you destroy it you have anarchy and chaos and create a vaccuum of emptiness in lawlessness.
Yes, I don’t have a problem saying that Christian Conservative Policies are MUCH better than yours, even though I’m not a Christian, and I bet those Muslims who got half an acre would agree to a degree. And there is an ethics problem, but it has to do with those lawyers and the justice system, not Christians, because Christians are of all races.
The golf course fund was originally intended to create a beautified neighborhood environment where people wanted to be, but now it is maintained properly, and they changed so they could provide funding for the growing problems. That’s bad? No. They designated more funds for those priorities. Oh, but we’re like Brett Kavanaugh where we try to make going back ten to twenty to thirty years your Achilles Heal based on the NOW, rather than THEN. You are a criminal because of trying to make your neighborhoods more beautified. Give me a break. You’re ridiculous.
You have no argument. What is it exactly? The year 2021 came and they changed where the money is appropriated to? The budget changes every year. But this year, they took money that was EXTRA, to go to teachers and cops and homeless projects to help them because of the pandemic, and you act like it’s what? I don’t get it. It’s because they’re Republicans and how dare they give more money to help the homeless instead of golf courses? You sound like a dirt-bag. Yet you accuse me of supporting them because they’re Republicans doing that? No, it was just the right thing to do. To appropriate more tax money to the needy rather than the not needy. So why is that bad? You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about and I think your ego is just in the way of you making any sense whatsoever.
@manhandler Hey (edited) Spintendo! I expect you to respond to this!~ LOL J K you won't because you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. There is a reason that everyone is fleeing liberal "utopias," and it's because people like you are idiots. Otherwise, people would be flocking to your "Utopia." It's the opposite of what you claim. And for that you have no fucking excuse because you're just wrong. Your idea of a "UTOPIA" is a fucking joke. Everyone hates it and leaving in droves because your ideas suck ASS. Who the fuck is moving to San Francisco??? NOBODY. Because you're dumb.
EDIT: removed insulting name - raphjd