Hey Liberals, Is it OK that 78 People were SHOT this weekend? YEP!! YOU DON'T CARE!!!
I'm so tired and over the liberals acting like this is OK. You don't say shit about it because you are complicit in MURDER. Oh but Lori Lightfoot is Lesbian, so ITS OK TO KILL PEOPLE!!!
Liberals claim that it's "white supremacy" that causes all the bad things, even when whites have nothing to do with it.
Liberals are all racist. They are guilty of "racism of low expectations".
Charles Mason thought just like liberals. He wanted a race war where the blacks won and the whites were killed off, BUT he thought that the blacks are too stupid to look after themselves that they would need him and his"family" to run everything.
What did you do today to stop Nestle, Hershey's, and Mars's use of child slave labor in the production of its chocolate products? I want concrete, discrete actions that you took today. Simply not buying their product is not enough. What signs did you carry in front of their corporate offices? Did you go into a convenience store and destroy the candy racks in protest?
If you did nothing to stop this child slave labor, then you're an asshole piece of trash and all of your opinions are void.
[https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/business/hershey-nestle-mars-chocolate-child-labor-west-africa/](link url)
You are a clown.
Jeff Bezos owns Amazon and WaPo. Amazon sells and WaPo advertises those products you listed.
Ultra liberal Nike is well known to use child labour.
The batteries used for electric vehicles, cell phones, laptops, etc, etc use child slave labour to mine the cobalt needed to make them.
@hubrys This is about 78 people being shot this weekend in Chicago, and you have nothing to say about it, because you're complicit. Nice try at deflection.
@manhandler And let me tell you something else. People being shot is fucked up. You don't seem to give a fuck. How dare you act like I'm being whatever when you can't condemn something so obviously fucked up. You're trash.