10 Reasons Trump is the most PRO GAY President ever. (Cuz you lie)
Let's just go back to the 80s for starters.
1. Trump donated money to AIDS research several times in the 80s, and the Washington Post declared it a fake charity. No. It wasn't fake. How dare you declare someone's donation as fake. It was at a time when homosexuality was forbodden, yet he didn't care. That took some balls in that time. They make it sound like he was just pretending and he just donated money because he wanted to seem woke, but this was the 80s. Duh.
2. Trump hired many gay people throughout the years and promoted them to managerial positions. He didn't give a shit if you were gay in the 90s. Cuz gays do a good job. If he fired anyone for being gay you would have heard about it. At the same time Clinton passed the two most homophobic pieces of legislation of all time - Defense of Marriage Act and Don't Ask Don't Tell.
3. Don't tell me Obama passed gay marriage. It was the Supreme Court. It was all attributed to him like he was the first gay president in the news. I remember that day. But Obummy had zilch to do with that decision. Trump may not agree with gay marriage because he's Christian and that doesn't work, but he said he doesn't have a problem with it and that it's the law so that's it. Libs seem to think he's going to go after gay marriage, but he has done no such thing. Even his Supreme Court picks have disagreed with him on various issues. And he just accepts it and moves on to what's important. Basically what I'm saying is that he doesn't just pick people who he thinks he has some puppet strings over. He has some sway with them, sure, but let's not exaggerate it to the point that he's some kind of deity who masterfully manipulates everyone like he's some kind of warlock. It's like, do you think he's a stable genius or do you think he's a master? You can't have it both ways. That's what you're always trying to do. It's like if you see color you're racist and if you don't see color you're ignoring racism. Don't partake in culture? That's Non-Inclusive. Do partake in culture? That's cultural appropriation. You move out? That's white flight. You move in? That's gentrification. You always try to have it both ways. But neither way even works, because you're wrong.
4. He promoted RIchard Grenelle to position of the highest ranking intelligence official in the country, the DNI. A gay man. Because he likes people who can do the job regardless of his or her sexuality. He literally doesn't give a shit.
5. People claim it was homophobic to pick Pence because Pence backed sponsorship for electro-shock therapy. The key point that you guys are missing is that the bill was to provide a small amount of funds for those who were willing to participate because THEY wanted to, and it was always a free will decision. It was never about FORCING anyone to have the gay shocked out of them. They claim he wants to TORTURE people. No. Some people just want to torture themselves, then demand you pay for it, then blame you for their weird psycho disorder. You're the one asking for it… And if we don't give it to you then we'll be called homophobic for not allowing a gay person to engage in the kind of treatment they want. Guess you can't win. 2001-ish is the time frame.
6. He launched a global campaign to end laws that punish people for being gay - total decriminalization - beheading and throwing off buildings. Specifically this was directed to Iran who does the same to women, who Biden and Obama love and want to send billions in cash too. They're so fucking woke, aren't they? Yea that's SUPER woke. While wearing their Nike shoes made by Chinese sweatshop SLAVES. Let's send money to a regime that throws women and gays off of buildings while wearing shoes made by slaves in China. That's the democratic party for ya folks! Woke. Take a knee whatever your name was with the big hair in the NFL. Nike supports you because you wear our shoes and you don't call us out for having slave factories in china.
7. All the while, it took Hillary until about 2008 to say the same, that she disagrees with gay marriage, but liberals will "settle." When Trump has supported gays throughout the last 40 years.
8. He is clearly happy when people wave rainbow flags at his events, and so are his supporters. Nobody is even giving the gays a dirty look. I know because I went to a rally and nobody gave a fuck. I had a huge rainbow flag and everyone loved it. They weren't just pretending, they spoke to me while we stood in line for hours.
9. He made a commitment to end AIDS in ten years.
10. He endorsed an openly gay judge Patrick Bumatay.
You have no excuse for claiming that Trump hates gays or is a homophobe. NONE.
Hillary didn't full support gay marriage until 2016. While she worked for Obama she said if it became the law of the land then she would follow it.
Trump was the first EVER Presidential candidate to publicly endorse the LGBT community while on the campaign trail.
That makes 11 Reasons. Plus some important points.
I mean, honestly, I believe that, because with Hillary, all she did was Bat for the side that gave her the most points. She never even cared for lgbtq.
Sorry, just passing by. Cough, Cough…..:
- Did Trump Admin Ask Supreme Court to Legalize Firing LGBTQ Workers? Yes –> https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-administration-fire-lgbtq/
The answer is no. Again, you are factually incorrect.
“Title VII does not prohibit discrimination against transgender persons based on their transgender status … it simply does not speak to discrimination because of an individual’s gender identity,” the DOJ brief says.
The DOJ has to follow the law as it is written. If the country don't like it, the legislature can change it. That's on them and Pelosi in the house, not Trump. Trump doesn't just get to say well this law is wrong, so I'm just not going to follow the law and do my own thing. Like he said, the SCOTUS ruled gay marriage is legal, so that's the end of the discussion.
Your problem is that you don't actually verify anything for yourself and just read the headlines, and if it fits your confirmation bias, you believe it. You are unfortunately being lied to and you buy it hook line and sinker every time. Try to do a little better next time and actually look at both sides to make sure you're getting the actual facts.
Until Pelosi decides to change the law, nothing the DOJ can do about it. The letter of the law is the foundation of our society. There are many laws on the books that are bad, but Democrats who control the house, blaming Trump a year ago, and STILL not doing anything about it, so they can keep on blaming Trump (who is merely the enforcer of the law (he doesn't get to write the law), are to blame. Trump has nothing to do with it, although he could win points by putting pressure.
Because you know they'd say he was breaking the law regardless if the law was wrong. They'd have a case where that issue would arise and the SCOTUS would strike it down. Democrats like to get technical. He swore an oath to uphold the law, and if the Democratic house doesn't pass transgender legislation, then its on them. He could do an Executive Order. It would be challenged. The proper procedure and function would be to have the Legislative Branch take responsibility. Not blame the President for failing to legislate - because legislation is the legislative branches job.
Just like Obummy had nothing to do with legalizing gay marriage, it was the SCOTUS. But all the media fawned over him like he was the first gay president ever or something super ridiculous. It's not the function of the POTUS to interpret the law. So they blame Trump for not violating the checks, but praise Obama for something he didn't even do, and would have been an improper function of the branch, and he took the cred!
Until the legislature decides to make it a criminal act to fire someone for being Trans, the DOJ has criminal mafias to go after. Let Pelosi do her damn job and quit blaming the President for it.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act that allows businesses to refuse to deal with LGBTs was all thanks to Schumer and Clinton. Schumer is credited as the author and main sponsor and Clinton signed it into law.
Democrats had since 1971 to give us ENDA (or one of it's 4 previous names) but they never did. That is how much the care about us.
The only thing Democrats have done for LGBTs is to give us the 3 most homophobic laws the US ever had.
Trump doesn't care about you… The only things he care about are money, golf and pussy... Can't believe you genuinely think he cares about you :crazy2:
The only things he care about are money, golf and pussy.
And since gay men aren't chasing pussy, they're not competing with him…reducing the chances that he'll be a "loser."
Trump doesn't care about you… The only things he care about are money, golf and pussy... Can't believe you genuinely think he cares about you :crazy2:
It isn't about whether he cares. He clearly doesn't care if you get married… It's none of his business as he said, the law is the law. You do you and that's called freedom. He doesn't care! ---, But --- only for the opposite reason you are claiming. And if you actually think Biden or Hillary gives a fuck about you... then go ahead and list off the things they've done for LGB other than talk. There's no comparison. Where is your list? They've been there forever - long before it was LGBT. You should have one! Democrats are not your fucking friends. They get to Washington by pissing in your face and tell you it's raining. Then they get into something - something you don't understand. POWER. LOBBIES. Cuz you haven't been there.
Democrats passed Don't Ask Don't Tell and Defense of Marriage Act - that was Clinton. THEY were the ones who damaged our nation and OUR community. Hillary has the audacity to "accept us" in 2016... No that bitch owes the gay community a HUGE FUCKING APOLOGY.
And don't sit there and pretend you know what the President is thinking. He's got gay partners all over the place, in his hotels, casinos, and the White House. Maybe he actually does care about those who support him. Do you have followers or friends? You try to make sure not to offend them right? That's just how it works in life. That's how you become a billionaire. You don't do it by firing people like that.
So yea, I think he cares what Richard Grenelle thinks. I think he cares what his supporters think. If you don't like him, he may not care. So maybe this is just a reflection on YOU. Maybe take Kim Kardashian's position of going to the White House and being mutual and doing something good. Let's get back to FACTS because opinions don't matter - there's a million of them. If you can show evidence, like controverting the things in MY list, then I'll consider your opinion somewhat noteworthy. Before I tear it down. With Facts.
And guess what? A lot of people enjoy golf and pussy and money. It doesn't mean that's it for all those people that enjoy it. What do you enjoy? Porn? Well that one's obvious. What else? Who the fuck are you?
Trump doesn't care about you… The only things he care about are money, golf and pussy... Can't believe you genuinely think he cares about you :crazy2:
Dems gave us the 3 most homophobic laws the US ever had, but you think they care about us.
Biden authored the law (signed by Clinton) that created the pipeline to prisons, for profit prisons,, etc, etc that liberals hate so much, but liberals thinks he cares about blacks. Trump rolled a lot of it back but Trump is deemed the racist.
LOLOLOLOL babe Dems don't care about you either. But Trump tricked you into thinking he cares about you and you believe him :blownose: It's so sad
Trump doesn't care about you… The only things he care about are money, golf and pussy... Can't believe you genuinely think he cares about you :crazy2:
Maybe he actually does care about those who support him.
Jesus Rodham Christ, please, my sweet summer child. No one in the White House cares about you, not Obama, not Bush, not Clinton and of course not Trump. Can't believe how much you love and trust him. This is so TRAGIC :afr:
LOLOLOLOL babe Dems don't care about you either. But Trump tricked you into thinking he cares about you and you believe him :blownose: It's so sad
Well, I don't use the word believe, it's his actions that show it. Take a look at the list one more time. It doesn't matter if someone cares about me or doesn't like me. Lots of people don't. Typically if you offend someone, the saying goes - that means you're doing right. But the answer to your statement quite frankly is, you don't know. That's why you have to say "I can't believe you think he cares about you," instead of, "He doesn't care about you." You factually cannot know that. And anyway he's done good things for the gay community, and that's called action. He hasn't just talked the talk.
Read the list again. He's done more than anyone else. If you think not, go ahead and show me someone else who's done 10%. That means give me like 2 things Dems have done. So far it's 11-0. You're doubt isn't relevant because you have nothing other than trying to focus on "beliefs," it's a pathetic defense, and it leaves the claim standing. You may be able to tear down statues, but past actions are forever.
Not only has he done great things for gays, he's done nothing bad whatsoever, aside from the idea that he's conflicted on whether it's something he approves of. Like I said, lots of people disagree with me (even many of our own parents agree with Trump - but that doesn't mean they hate us, though some do - he doesn't), but he's a deal maker and he's willing to work something out with anybody. He's not anti-gay that's for sure. He's not an enemy. He's never said anything derogatory to gays. Ever. He's always been kind and polite, even when he said "you can believe what you want, that's fine." Because if he did say something different, like "fuckin f***," you would have heard about it. But you act like you're so oppressed and paranoid and that he's tryin to get ya.You don't become a billionaire by being a bigot in NY.
Why should I vote for Biden who has done absolutely nothing for the gay community in 40 years? We're only 3%. We're a blip for him. Trump did stuff. What's your problem dude? And again, I just want to emphasize - you don't know that. You don't even have anything to back it up to make the belief you have solid, other than "I can't believe you…" What the fuck is that? That's nothing dude. You got nothing. And if he doesn't give a fuck about me... he's done a lot more than Biden, so I'll take it. Biden aint done shit but talk and say he loves you.
LOLOLOLOL babe Dems don't care about you either. But Trump tricked you into thinking he cares about you and you believe him :blownose: It's so sad
Mabe he doesn't, but he hasn't done harm to us (and blacks) like the Dems have.
Biiden has done direct harm to blacks, as has Harris, but you clowns support them.
Gender and Sexuality are two different things. ONE. It's one thing to allow gays in the military, it's another for others to join for free surgery at taxpayer expense, in addition to a multitude of other things like hormone therapy - what if they quit after receiving their free boob job? Many in the gay community view trans as a mutilation, so this is not against the gay community… it's against SOME in the gay community who think that gender and sexuality are all part of a big soup. I don't support trans in the military either, and I'm gay (but that doesn't mean I hate or dislike trans). I've had trans friends. Don't parade around like you are the spokesperson for the gay community. You're just using the mob to force the minority into submission (that's what libs do). I don't give a shit about groups as much as I do about individuals because one has become a fascist hive mind borg mentality, while the other represents freedom and liberty (the individual).
You can get up here and claim that Trump hates trans... (he told Kaitlyn Jenner to use the bathroom of her choice at Trump tower), but we both know there is more to it than just feelings. There are costs associated, there is danger to the trans. You think you can just get up here and say Trump won't allow trans in the military (Trump hates LGBQT). Your argument is stupid and absurd. Notice he said after consultation with the military experts… they advised him it was a bad idea – and those were Obama holdovers, so gtfo. Sorry, but to a lot of people, trans is weird and strange and gross. It’s up to you to overcome the stigma. Good luck. People see through your nonsense.
Maybe try talking to your friends over at the Satanic library readings on Sunday with drag and trans - convicted pedos - for kids. Like 99% of people think it's wrong, so your argument is totally invalid. Go tell them to behave and quit terrorizing families like many of ours. That's what you can do!
How much does the military spend on one private at basic? Ten years ago I think it was 60K. How much will it cost for the surgery and the therapy and the special protection just so the dude can get his dick chopped off. Nobody is going to make him feel welcome and he'll just end up quitting (wasting the money invested). Then Ze will sue for discrimination and the military will have to shell out more money for lawyers. The other soldiers will resent Ze and look at Ze as though he's special (not equal), just due to the expense alone which could go up into the hundreds of thousands. It's not fair, and in that atmosphere, there's a pecking order. There is rank, but when you're the same rank as another person and you get more investment then they do... looks really bad. Well if Ze gets that much I should too! It's not just bad, it's dumb. NEXT! (Next time maybe one of you libs will actually put things in your own words for once. Right...)
The problem with trans in the military is that if they have the surgeries then they are either on bed rest or light duty for the whole 4-year contract.
I have a solution to trans in the military. If they join for surgery then they have to sign a 6-year contract to be served after they complete their transition in frontline combat units like with people that go to college on the military dime.
It's one thing to allow gays in the military, it's another for others to join for free surgery at taxpayer expense, in addition to a multitude of other things like hormone therapy
The military and VA spend much more on Viagra than they do on gender reassignment. Military law in the US still criminalises fucking someone other than your spouse, but that doesn't stop them from giving blue pills to single guys or troops deployed thousands of kilometers from their wives.