The only thing that I regret as an aging gay man is not having children. I love children and I believe I would have been a good father but it is too late for me now. Anyone else feel the same way.
im in my early 20s never been in a relationship. never had sex or been kissed, been on a date or really ever had mutual attraction with someone. ive also never been rejected nor rejected anyone.
eden, i feel odd offering you advice, as i'm an only child who donates to child-inclusive causes (like refugee relief), but has no interest in interpersonal contact…
...but having said all that, why not consider becoming a volunteer with a group or agency that helps children at the community (local) level?
Surely that could provide some degree of connection and feeling of contribution. Take some time, research opportunities, and when you're ready, make a call or visit a center, and give it a try!
Thank you flozen; I will consider doing that.
I know a LOT of gay guys who have tried very hard to have children, but unfortunately, males are unable to get pregnant. I encourage guys to keep trying though!
Once they figure out a way in which males can get pregnant, then we won't need females anymore - other than to cook food, wash clothes, and clean the house.
In fact, I don't mind cooking food, but still need females to clean the dirty dishes.