Who are you out to?
Everyone except relatives
Everyone, I came out to my family first then friends.
Most of my friends, not my parents, though I know they will probably take it well.
Everyone. It's quite obvious ::)
A few close friends and one of my cousins. I'm working on it though.. progress.
Everyone. My husband kind of gives it away.
No one. discreet as fck..im sure many are like that too
Only my immediate family knows and a few close friends
Im pretty lucky most people around me are pretty open minded but I didnt know how annoying it would be coming out over and over because Im not obviously gay.
Everyone ;D ;D ;D
Just a few really close friends.
Close friends and my mon. I'm not close with my father so I have never actually told him.
Everyone! No secrets
to everyone. Family first, but that was because i was forced out of the closet due ti the fact my parents read my journal. then later to friends and then to everyone. It gets easyer with time. Them more you learn to accept yourself , the less you care about other peoples opinions .
No one yet but that changes this year.
Several online friends. Not very tolerant region.
I can't believe it actually but i'm out to everyone. I live in central canada and am 34 and work in the trades. - an industrial instrumentation mechanic!! and i'm pretty damn good. working at an indrustrial fertilizer chem supply company….. if nothing else, i'm proud i came out to to my coworkers. it was tough and i did it in a weird way that gave them some time to accustom themselves to it before i saw them face to face.....
maybe to the one i had fun sex with other than that there is no need to tell anyone you really know