Age range
whats the oldest and youngest you have/would fuck?
I'm 38. I wouldn't go any younger than 25 (but prefer at least 30). And I probably wouldn't go any older than 55.
For just sex, 18 minimum, no hard maximum but depends on his looks. For a relationship, I probably wouldn't go below mid-twenties.
I had a 20-year-old boyfriend when I was 27, and am desperately running after a 38-year-old at age 30. I also had a brief relationship with a 37-year old woman when I was 22, and it was cool.
I generally use the half-your-age-plus-5 rule of thumb. I don't think I am averse to exploring any age range, but at age 30 I am actively looking for 20 to 42 or 45 year olds. I generally do end up with really young hookups (20 or 22 years of age) via apps, who make for great shags, but poor relationships. -
I'm 33 and more passive/submissive, so I'm not really looking for too young or inexperienced. Though I've had several recent encounters with guys in the 21-24 range. I wouldn't go under 20 and is usually looking for 28-ish and up.
Biggest age difference is when I was 16 and he was 45. Oldest guy I've been with (that I knew his age) was 57 and I was 30 at the time.