Moonbat madness taking a dump on Dr. Seuss
One might think that Dr. Seuss might deserve a bit of respect and praise. The Dr. Seuss books are one of the primary tools used to educate and entertain children. They should be required reading for police cadets.
Anyway, this is the 50th Anniversary for "The Cat In The Hat"… so how do they honor this occassion? By having boycotts and protests over the Dr. Seuss books. Apparently they are racist. The moonbats complain about the stereotypes. Hmm.. lets see now.. a cartoon. Just what IS a cartoon? A cartoon is just a few curved lines on a page depicting caricatures / stereotypes.
How do you depict a chinese man, black man, business man, arabic man, american indian in a cartoon WITHOUT being stereotypical?
This has the ultimate result of all asians, blacks, american indians, etc. being erased from history.
A moonbat library would contain no works from Disney, Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss, etc. I suppose they would also object to Peanuts for depicting teachers as nothing but disembodied voices saying "mwaahh, mwhaaah waaa waa waaahhhhh"..
Sad but true. -
Sad but true.