ObamaCare is a Damn Fine Law
It's pretty clear from the Republicans actions today that ObamaCare is pretty damn great. For the last 7 years they held votes to repeal it and today is the day they have all waited for it…....and they failed miserably. They lied to the American people for close to a decade and told them how bad this law was when really it was an extremely conservative plan that just happened to be signed off on by a black man.
The GOP should be ashamed of themselves......especially that weasel Paul Ryan.
So the White poor class elected a White Rich Pres hoping that he would Champions its interests because he is… Mmmm White?
Before the ACA, universal healthcare(at least the beginnings of one), wasn't even on the republicans radar. Despite it's flaws, it has forced republicans to incorporate it into their agenda whereas before, they were fine with people dying due to the lack of coverage. They can't just go back to innumerable people dying or suffering debilitating ailments by repealing this law. This is of course what they wanted and intended to do bt even their own constituents started foaming at the mouth when they heard this was a possibility. We may yet resemble western Europe on the Human development index, but we are getting there. Obamacare had some flaws, but many of these flaws were exacerbated by republicans who were deadest on assigning infamy to the law, sabotaging medicaid within their districts, and refusing to come together on amending the law. Their stance was just to repeal and to take more days off than any congress in history.
Watching and following it all from the outside- I really found it mindboggling how terrible the plan was, and more importantly how Paul Ryan really came across so gleefully uncaring when he first unveiled it and showed how many millions of people it would screw over.
The second most incredibly asinine comment was from Jason Chaffetz and his stop buying Iphones to afford healthcare idiocy. :blink: The best part of all this is that the Republicans have NO ONE else they can blame but themselves.
I leave a photo of the weasel Ryan leaving the White House after admitting there were not enough votes to pass. He flashed the lamest thumbs up in history. Ah karma!
They never had a plan to replace it over the past 7 years. They didn't expect to win the election and didn't realize how many people supported ACA. I don't think they really cared, The dubbed the ACA as Obamacare to irritate constituents and thought they could just go back to people dying in the streets. It took Obama a year to produce the ACA and Republicans thought they could replace it on a whim.
It's pretty clear from the Republicans actions today that ObamaCare is pretty damn great. For the last 7 years they held votes to repeal it and today is the day they have all waited for it…....and they failed miserably. They lied to the American people for close to a decade and told them how bad this law was when really it was an extremely conservative plan that just happened to be signed off on by a black man.
The GOP should be ashamed of themselves......especially that weasel Paul Ryan.
Although I would agree that Paul Ryan is a weasel, you are wrong about Obamacare.
The idea was to make health care affordable so that people could obtain it if they wanted it. Instead, Obamacare didn't lower healthcare costs.. in fact it caused healthcare costs to go through the roof.. and people are FORCED to purchase insurance or are heavily penalized. The insurance plans cover only the very basic and fundamental things. By forcing people to purchase healthcare plans that they don't want and can't afford is pretty much just a poll tax to subsidize a small minority of people who use up several millions in healthcare resources all on their own. Obamacare will die.. it is unsustainable. Even now in the state of Alabama.. there is only ONE insurance provider to choose from and even that one is failing.
What will happen is that instead of fixing Obamacare… Obamacare will crash and burn.. leaving millions without the insurance they paid for, and then Trump will save the day with a new healthcare system that even democrats will be forced to vote for because there is no alternative. -
My question is- if Trump really has this MAGIC plan that will fix healthcare- where is it, and why does he have to wait until Obamacare collapses to unveil it?
Why did he pour all his political capital and support behind Paul Ryan's plan if he knew it was so terrible and he had something better? It makes no sense. The only logical answer is- he has NO idea how health care works (Remember the who knew health care was so complicated comment? Everyone but him knew!) and he has NO real plan. He just followed Ryan's lead and failed to make his own party support it because it was such a horrific plan.Obamacare isn't perfect- but it's still worlds better than anything the Republicans have been able to offer even after years saying they had something better. ::)
I knew it was doomed the moment people in my state booed former Governor, current House member Mark Sanford and Senator Tim Scott at a recent town hall. I've attended meetings and marches with Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc. and right now, everyone is very angry with the Republican party. There have been maybe a handful of #45 voters who are still supporting him tooth and nail, but the hundreds of people at most of the meetings I've been to are really upset. Was at one the other night and one of our state legislature reps was shouted down by a large group of elderly who are upset about the possible Meals on Wheels cuts. South Carolina is a safe red state but stranger things have happened, look at Virginia and North Carolina in recent years. Things aren't looking too well here for the Republican party for the first time in my lifetime.
Things aren't looking too well here for the Republican party for the first time in my lifetime.
Yep- it is starting to look like the Democrats will regain the Senate in two years, and both the house and the presidency in four years.
Getting rid of the republicans- now THAT would be draining the swamp!It is amazing how people don't notice the pattern- the nation floundered under Bush sr, and prospered under Bill Clinton, then practically collapsed under Bush Jr, and his damage was repaired and then some by Obama, and now we have Trump acting like a bull in a china shop, destroying everything he touches.
Hello? Why the hell does anyone who is NOT a billionaire, an Evangelical, or a bigot vote for Republicans anymore?
Democrats have flipped six red seats and turned them into blue states. People already realize that they made a huge mistake last November. Republicans haven't flipped any seats.
Democrats have flipped six red seats and turned them into blue states. People already realize that they made a huge mistake last November. Republicans haven't flipped any seats.
Virginia and New Jersey will both be blowout elections for the Democrats judging by how enthusiastic the Democratic primary turnouts were in those states as opposed to the Republican primary turnouts, and of course the polling. And before the children begin bickering about the accuracy of the polling in the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, there's no electoral college for gubernatorial seats; therefore, whoever gets the majority of the vote wins the election :cheers: Republicans have exactly 1 month and 3 weeks to come up with some effective voter suppression methods in those states because #45 has weakened the Republican image severely in those states.
The problem here is that you all keep thinking that the government makes mistakes. Like when you see that emblazoned seal that says, "Criminal Justice," - that isn't a mistake. They know what they're saying - the criminals are in charge of the justice - Criminal Justice. There is no Republicans vs Democrats, the red wing and the blue wing are two wings of the same bird, the same brain, controlling you. It's all a show, behind the scenes they are all buddies - it's just an act. You thinking that these people being democrat or republican are actually different or opposed to each other, when they are dining together is silliness. They're just actors. So get over yourself with this left vs right nonsense. They are playing all of us. I voted for Trump because he told Jeb to "shhhh! Quiet!" He told him to shut the fuck up. The Republicans have destroyed this country as have the Democrats. He destroyed both parties and that's why Mitch McConnell told him he wouldn't be having any more of this, "Drain the Swamp," talk, placing an eye on their corruption. You guys still don't get the left-right paradigm and it's deluding your reality. You have so much to learn. You think with your hearts but don't consider the consequences of your actions, and rarely understand what the hell you're even talking about. It's embarrassing on the gay community, that you blast such nonsense that they just laugh at how easily they can manipulate us.
Obamacare is far from a "damn fine law" as you put it. It is absolutely a corrupt fraud designed to benefit the insurance companies that underwrite the banking system. You want to know about corruption? It's not the banks. It's the underwriters. The insurance companies. And Obama's buddies got billions to create the website for Obamacare when it didn't work worth a damn. His BUDDIES. GOT BILLIONS. That's pay-for play. And you think that it's "damn fine." What a disgrace. You have no idea about how the system works. Go back to school. You don't want to talk about how the premiums are in the thousands. You don't want to talk about the opt-out payment of half a grand a year (getting nothing). You are such a disgrace that you can actually sit here and try to sell this garbage. It actually makes me sick. Nobody who needs it can actually afford it you jack. You have to be one of the most delusional people on the face of the Earth. You act like you're so smart but you don't say a damn word about how it actually operates or break down any of it's mechanisms because you flat-out just don't know. You just don't know anything about insurance, or taxes. You wanna sit here and make a statement about how something is so wonderful, try breaking it down if you have a few IQ points! All you did was say "it's good." That's not enough! You don't have anything intelligent to say about it, period, pal.
What? You thought you'd just get up on here and say, "Oh it's amazing!" Because we said so. Good grief. Is it really that pathetic? That you don't even understand anything about it? Do you even have Obamacare? You leave out every detail. All you have to say is "it's wonderful!" What mad, delusional nonsense! Do you really not understand why people voted for Trump? "Because you said so," is stupid. Plain and simple. Damn you make me so disgusted. You just follow like little sheep. Believe everything they tell you. How many times have you failed? Hillary? Russia? Emails? You are just too much for a rational person to deal with. Obamacare stinks. But you know what? It's ok. Because WE are the WINNERS. And YOU are the LOSERS. That is a FACT. WE are making this nation GREAT again. You are just a stepping stone in the way. And we WILL crush you further under. It is OVER. You don't understand Maritime Admiralty. You don't understand globalism. You don't understand the Constitution. You just listen to your booty bumpin' Beyoncé and get on your Grindr and wonder why you are falling miserably. You are not the future or THE WAY. You voted for a criminal, a felon, and acted like deleting 30,000 emails AFTER a subpoena was acceptable! What the hell is wrong with this picture? They cheated Bernie and you acted like it was OK. Then you talk about getting rid of the electoral college when the popular vote was for Bernie, not Hillary! Damn! You dug your grave, now you can lie in it.
Democrats have flipped six red seats and turned them into blue states. People already realize that they made a huge mistake last November. Republicans haven't flipped any seats.
I was not aware of that. Perhaps you could list what six seats you are referring to?
Also.. there might be some blue seats turning red once the corruption in New Hampshire is sorted out. Seems their election has been proven to be fraudulent.You have a habit of never backing up what you say.. and making the excuse that you boycott my comments… and yet.. you don't hesitate to attack me any chance you get. How about attacking me with some of these FACTS that you refer to but never provide?
It's pretty clear from the Republicans actions today that ObamaCare is pretty damn great. For the last 7 years they held votes to repeal it and today is the day they have all waited for it…....and they failed miserably. They lied to the American people for close to a decade and told them how bad this law was when really it was an extremely conservative plan that just happened to be signed off on by a black man.
The GOP should be ashamed of themselves......especially that weasel Paul Ryan.
Don't tell this to Bill Clinton - who said in a 2016 speech that "Obamacare is the craziest thing EVER!"
Also.. I was reading up on current assessments of Bernie Sanders healthcare proposal. Basically, a lot of people LOVE the idea.. there is only one problem.. nobody has any idea on how to PAY FOR IT! DOH!
Democrats have flipped six red seats and turned them into blue states. People already realize that they made a huge mistake last November. Republicans haven't flipped any seats.
Virginia and New Jersey will both be blowout elections for the Democrats judging by how enthusiastic the Democratic primary turnouts were in those states as opposed to the Republican primary turnouts, and of course the polling. And before the children begin bickering about the accuracy of the polling in the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, there's no electoral college for gubernatorial seats; therefore, whoever gets the majority of the vote wins the election :cheers: Republicans have exactly 1 month and 3 weeks to come up with some effective voter suppression methods in those states because #45 has weakened the Republican image severely in those states.
I'm still waiting on aadam101's sources of the seats he imagines are going to flip.
As for Virginia and New Jersey's governors…
Virginia has a democratic governor now.. and currently it is a tossup whether the democrat or republican will win.
New Jersey has a republican governor now.. and there are currently SEVEN candidates in the race.. so your prediction is irrelevant.. but even if some states go democratic.. so what? That only punishes those states, not the country.
I hope NJ and VA get stuck with democratic governors. If they do, those states will hate democrats by the time 2020 rolls around and re-elect Trump.You don't need to thank me for correcting your erroneous post.. but your welcome anyway! :angel2:
I'm still waiting on aadam101's sources of the seats he imagines are going to flip.
He doesn't have to imagine anything, it's real.
Democrats have won 6 state seats that belonged to Republicans in special elections this year: 3 in Oklahoma, 2 in New Hampshire and 1 in New York. There will be more held and we'll see what happens, but it seems like there's a turning point going on similar to what happened in 2006 and 2010 for Democrats and Republicans, respectively. In Alabama, more Democrats turned out than everyone assumed in the primary for the special election to finish Jeff Sessions' Senate term. The Republican plant posing as a Democrat, Robert Kennedy, Jr. was soundly beat by more Democrats turning out to vote for the real Democratic candidate Doug Jones, who actually has a chance to beat either Roy Moore or Luther Strange because of the Republicans taking sides in the Republican primary runoff. He has a chance, most likely he'll lose but he has a chance which is rare for a Democrat in Alabama.
If things keep heading in this direction then there's no doubt the 2018 midterms will be a wave in the Democrats direction that will lead us into the 2020 election the same way 2006 led us into 2008. When midterm elections have high turnout instead of wins based on low turnout (i.e. Republicans in 2010 & 2014), Democrats win and the momentum propels the best candidates to run for president. 2006 inspired Barack Obama to run and he won in 2008 because of that Democratic wave and of course the incompetence of GWB.
Yea right. The conservatives are voting out the Rinos. And the liberals are sick of people like Hillary. You know, I just can't understand why gay people would support the democrats with their whole "bring in the refugees" crap. The Muslims hate them, they even want to kill all of them. They don't belong in the same category, but you guys managed to be deluded into thinking they're working for the same team. It's astonishing.
I'm still waiting on aadam101's sources of the seats he imagines are going to flip.
He doesn't have to imagine anything, it's real.
Democrats have won 6 state seats that belonged to Republicans in special elections this year: 3 in Oklahoma, 2 in New Hampshire and 1 in New York. There will be more held and we'll see what happens, but it seems like there's a turning point going on similar to what happened in 2006 and 2010 for Democrats and Republicans, respectively. In Alabama, more Democrats turned out than everyone assumed in the primary for the special election to finish Jeff Sessions' Senate term. The Republican plant posing as a Democrat, Robert Kennedy, Jr. was soundly beat by more Democrats turning out to vote for the real Democratic candidate Doug Jones, who actually has a chance to beat either Roy Moore or Luther Strange because of the Republicans taking sides in the Republican primary runoff. He has a chance, most likely he'll lose but he has a chance which is rare for a Democrat in Alabama.
If things keep heading in this direction then there's no doubt the 2018 midterms will be a wave in the Democrats direction that will lead us into the 2020 election the same way 2006 led us into 2008. When midterm elections have high turnout instead of wins based on low turnout (i.e. Republicans in 2010 & 2014), Democrats win and the momentum propels the best candidates to run for president. 2006 inspired Barack Obama to run and he won in 2008 because of that Democratic wave and of course the incompetence of GWB.
First of all.. thanks so much for providing the sources of what aadam was spouting.
I do have a question though… aren't the special elections you are referring to STATE LEVEL elections for state legislatures, and not federal level?I think the much bigger story is that all politicians are awful, and the reason Trump got elected is because he is NOT a politician.