Indisputable Fact: Republicans Control Congress
I need some help understanding this point. Republicans control all of Congress. They decide what gets put on the floor for a vote in both the House and Senate. They control who gets appointed to committees and subcommittees. They have more than enough numbers without needing Democrats to pass anything and everything they want. They also decide when and when not to open an investigation into something. Republicans opened the investigations into Russia's involvement in the 2016 Presidential election, right? If they disagreed with all of our intelligence agencies, they would not have begun those investigations, right?
I keep seeing so many on here blaming Democrats as if Democrats have the majorities in Congress and have any power to begin anything. How are the Russian involvement investigations "Democrats attacking the president because he beat Hillary" a rational argument when it was Republicans who began the investigations through committees they wholly control? The same goes for supposed obstruction. How can you obstruct when you do not have the numbers to obstruct? President Obama was obstructed because Republicans had the numbers to obstruct him, with some of them (specifically Mitch McConnell) declaring they were going to obstruct Obama no matter what. Can the same truly be done to #45 by Democrats if they do not hold any power in Congress? The "blame Democrats" argument makes zero sense. Or am I looking at this wrong?
Trump fans will still find some way to avoid blaming Trump for his failures and broken campaign promises.
It's really sad. The entire Trump administration knows how stupid their supporters are and they are completely taking advantage of that. They have gone around on TV for the past week blaming everything on the obstructionist Democrats when in reality they control everything and they still can't get a bill passed! The Democrats had this same two year window in 2009 and they got a ton accomplished.
The fact that they can't get ObamaCare repealed proves just how useless and inept these people are. They have had SEVEN YEARS. When was the last time something at your job took 7 years to complete? You would be fired…...
Royalcrown is correct up to a point. Major legislation would require 60 votes in the Senate, but the Republicans have not gotten that far yet.
Royalcrown is correct up to a point. Major legislation would require 60 votes in the Senate, but the Republicans have not gotten that far yet.
They do have the "nuclear option".
It's really sad. The entire Trump administration knows how stupid their supporters are and they are completely taking advantage of that. They have gone around on TV for the past week blaming everything on the obstructionist Democrats when in reality they control everything and they still can't get a bill passed! The Democrats had this same two year window in 2009 and they got a ton accomplished.
The fact that they can't get ObamaCare repealed proves just how useless and inept these people are. They have had SEVEN YEARS. When was the last time something at your job took 7 years to complete? You would be fired…...
Democraps had 8 years to get Osamacare right.. and they failed. They are offering zero input on how to fix it now. If it was up to the moonbats, the best thing to happen would be for millions to lose their insurance, and BLAME the republicans.
judging by the salt Trump 2020 is looking good
(1) No one has yet explained why Republicans have called Democrats "obstructionists" when Democrats do not have any majorities or significant numbers to be obstructionists. One person explained that for major legislation, 60 votes are still needed. Fine. What about for other things?
(2) If Republicans truly believed there was no Russia collusion or that Russians didn't make attempts to mess with our democracy at all, why did they open investigations in the House and Senate? Republicans control the committees and subcommittees in Congress; therefore, they have the power to ignore anything and everything Democrats say. Why were investigations started by them and why are people on here blaming Democrats being "upset" with #45's win as the reason for the investigations? Democrats did not open those investigations because they do not have the power to. Can anyone explain why you blame Democrats when it was the Republican leadership that began the investigations?
Democraps had 8 years to get Osamacare right.. and they failed. They are offering zero input on how to fix it now. If it was up to the moonbats, the best thing to happen would be for millions to lose their insurance, and BLAME the republicans.
What don't you understand here- that Obamacare IS the culmination of their 8 years of hard work- and it was the best they could come up with. Is it perfect? Of course not! But the point here is that they aren't willing to toss it all away just because the Republicans have come up with something they CLAIM is better, but after analysis has proven time and again that it is WORSE than Obamacare.
The fact is- Trumpcare will leave millions uninsured if it's passed, which is why almighty Trump himself has admitted to it being "mean" and asked the Senate to come up with something more generous. We'll see where that goes.
As for the original question for this thread- they have shown just how inept they are by being unable to pass anything meaningful in all this time they control everything. and they need to blame "obstructionist" Democrats just to give their gullible base some reason not to turn on them.
brianboru that's really stupid. I just think so, no offense. Obamacare is the worst tax ever placed on people, especially young people. How do you like paying a 500$ tax for not having insurance at the end of the year? It's just dumb. For starters. I think your statement is totally misread, ill-informed, and quite frankly, profoundly stupid. I honestly think you need to inform yourself more about it before making such ignorant remarks. Sorry if that offends you, it's just what I believe.
Democraps had 8 years to get Osamacare right.. and they failed. They are offering zero input on how to fix it now. If it was up to the moonbats, the best thing to happen would be for millions to lose their insurance, and BLAME the republicans.
What don't you understand here- that Obamacare IS the culmination of their 8 years of hard work- and it was the best they could come up with. Is it perfect? Of course not! But the point here is that they aren't willing to toss it all away just because the Republicans have come up with something they CLAIM is better, but after analysis has proven time and again that it is WORSE than Obamacare.
The fact is- Trumpcare will leave millions uninsured if it's passed, which is why almighty Trump himself has admitted to it being "mean" and asked the Senate to come up with something more generous. We'll see where that goes.
As for the original question for this thread- they have shown just how inept they are by being unable to pass anything meaningful in all this time they control everything. and they need to blame "obstructionist" Democrats just to give their gullible base some reason not to turn on them.
Obamacare is a disaster that is worse than having no insurance.
All these moon bats talking about how Obamacare is "ok." Well I think we can do better than "ok." It started with a website that Obama paid his friends half a billion dollars or was it more like 15 billion? That didn't even work. Now the drug companies, doctors, and insurance companies are taking advantage of it saying that an IV costs $10,000 and other outrageous mismanagement frauds. Nobody can actually afford to use it. It sucks. It's been ruled by the SCOTUS to be a tax, not insurance. Call it what it is and quit acting like it's insurance. It's a tax. Why is it a tax? To make up for the losses insurance companies and hospitals lose from all the damn illegal immigrants demanding free health care. It's a socialist system and it isn't working, because socialist systems never work, from Nazi Germany, to Communist Russia and China, to Canada, to Venezuela. It doesn't work. It might for a minute, but sooner or later it all comes to an abrubt halt, as will the Obamacare tax. It is failing and it will die. That's a fact that nobody denies.
And as far as Republicans controlling Congress and not getting anything done? That's because you got a few bitches that need to be voted out who work against the people of this country who elected them: like John McCain and Lindsay Graham, who only praise Trump if he's bombing Erdogan.