This Presidency is Over
It doesn't matter that he's fired alternative nutjob Sean Spicer. It doesn't matter that he's fired Reince Priebus. It doesn't matter that he's now fired supreme bigot Steve Bannon. This presidency has been labeled, the credibility is gone and the numbers have hit them hard. This is what happens when you build your administration on white supremacy and white nationalism. There will be no tax cuts. There will be no legislative victories. No one is even talking about the Supreme Court pick because it did nothing to tip the balance of the Supreme Court. The Fall will be the official end of this presidency when the government shuts down and the debt ceiling isn't raised, but it's already over now. My only hope is that our coward president won't call for his white supremacist followers to cause harm to innocent people around the country. That would be devastating and we'd have to get the UN to let other countries invade here to stop those disgusting, murderous white supremacists.
Still, seeing a white nationalist like Bannon get booted from the White House is a good thing. It won't save this administration, but it was good to see.
It doesn't matter that he's fired alternative nutjob Sean Spicer. It doesn't matter that he's fired Reince Priebus. It doesn't matter that he's now fired supreme bigot Steve Bannon. This presidency has been labeled, the credibility is gone and the numbers have hit them hard. This is what happens when you build your administration on white supremacy and white nationalism. There will be no tax cuts. There will be no legislative victories. No one is even talking about the Supreme Court pick because it did nothing to tip the balance of the Supreme Court. The Fall will be the official end of this presidency when the government shuts down and the debt ceiling isn't raised, but it's already over now. My only hope is that our coward president won't call for his white supremacist followers to cause harm to innocent people around the country. That would be devastating and we'd have to get the UN to let other countries invade here to stop those disgusting, murderous white supremacists.
Still, seeing a white nationalist like Bannon get booted from the White House is a good thing. It won't save this administration, but it was good to see.
You would just love to see your fantasy of Trump failing come true.
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It's not about what I want to see, it's what this country needs. We don't need a bigot who welcomes the support of white nationalists and white supremacists as our president. It took our president less than an hour to attack a CEO who withdrew from his pointless manufacturing council, but two days to say the KKK and other white supremacists are not good people. And then he reversed it and said they were good people the next day. I'm sure NOT all of the people who voted for him–-a defined minority since he didn't get the popular vote by over 3 million---are white supremacists; therefore, his support will continue to drop among them. The president is supposed to be the president of all people, not only the people Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller tell him to be the president of. I'm sure the 77,000 people spread across Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan are done with him and they were the few people who got him the win. He did not win those states by hundreds of thousands or millions of votes, he won by an average of 25,000 from each of those three states. This embracing white supremacy strategy is not the only thing that got him the win, him lying about making the lives of those 77,000 people was the biggest factor. And what are they seeing? A president who has not made their lives better and is constantly picking unnecessary fights. Once he gets below 28% approval, known as the point of no return, he will officially be a lame duck president.
His 3 ray rolling average has been stuck in a 34-38% cycle since late-June. Hopefully once the recent actions fully take effect, he will go below that 28% point. Some Republicans are still holding out hoping that some big tax plan or another piece of major legislation will pass. That's why I said he will officially become a lame duck president during the Fall when a few major issues (debt ceiling, budget, tax reform, etc.) come up and FAIL the same way the ObamaCare repeal failed.
It's hypocritical for the left to talk this way, after their butt hurtedness over the right talking the same way about Obama.
Let's not forget the left also talked the same way about GWB.
It's hypocritical for the left to talk this way, after their butt hurtedness over the right talking the same way about Obama.
Thank you for proving #45's behavior is indefensible. Your use of the Obama Card is greatly appreciated raphjd.
It's hypocritical for the left to talk this way, after their butt hurtedness over the right talking the same way about Obama.
Thank you for proving #45's behavior is indefensible. Your use of the Obama Card is greatly appreciated raphjd.
Good thing nobody reports you for breaking the rules by posting the same inane crap over and over and over again… in regards to that Monopoly card.
I will post interesting, entertaining, relevant things.. and rarely repeat myself.
Here's a good one.. Hillary exposing her racist side. know you moonbats hate it whenever Hillary is mentioned, because Hillary lost the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton also lost the 2008 election. Too bad for Hillary, she will never amount to anything other than being a failure in everything she has pursued, including Hillary's marriage. Did you know that Hillary has even lied about how she came to be named Hillary? Hillary should be ashamed of herself, but Hillary has no shame.
One funny thing though.. Trump keeps a MASSIVE portrait of Hillary in the White House for all his friends to pose in front of for laughs! :haha:They keep a portrait of Obama in the bathroom for inspiration.
One of the things that should be surprising but isn't actually is that now that Trump has come out as a neo-Nazi, the Zionists seem to love him even more.
Of course Trump is well and truly fucked now. If not impeached, certainly a lame duck. It is a shame really. The enemies of the USA know that the only way it can be destroyed is from the inside out. That is why they got Trump elected in the first place. They will have to try something else.
The North Korea strategy still has to play itself out fully, but Bannon before being fired, indicated that at least some in the US administration realise that there is no military option for the USA that doesn't result in the USA losing all its allies and any influence in the world. If Trump in one of his fits of rage ignores all advice and orders a strike in NK, some damned US patriot will put a bullet in his head.
One of the things that should be surprising but isn't actually is that now that Trump has come out as a neo-Nazi, the Zionists seem to love him even more.
Of course Trump is well and truly fucked now. If not impeached, certainly a lame duck. It is a shame really. The enemies of the USA know that the only way it can be destroyed is from the inside out. That is why they got Trump elected in the first place. They will have to try something else.
The North Korea strategy still has to play itself out fully, but Bannon before being fired, indicated that at least some in the US administration realise that there is no military option for the USA that doesn't result in the USA losing all its allies and any influence in the world. If Trump in one of his fits of rage ignores all advice and orders a strike in NK, some damned US patriot will put a bullet in his head.
One nice thing about you having negative credibility is that I don't even have to be bothered replying to your bullshit if I don't want to. YAWN!
Goodnight! I am editing the 2.5 hour long Cum Guzzlers into just the best parts which will probably be about 20 minutes. Now THERE is how time is better spent! It's got about 400 performers in it.. some winners, most losers. -
Lol. Trump isn't going anywhere. That's what you said two years ago. Keep dreaming. The idea that Merck, who murdered 100,000 people on record with Vioxx, when their scientists told them their drug would kill that exact number of people just reinforces our support for him, because this guy acted like he had a "conscience." We aren't abandoning him by any means, in fact, it makes our support for him grow stronger. Sorry, but we don't buy the racist thing. You acted like this with his Mexico comments, and with his David Duke comments, and we saw it for what it was, as we also see this for the same, and where did that get you? It got you with Trump, because we recognized it was crap. You guys keep getting on your high horse thinking that when Trump is firing Bannon as a distraction, is your means of a path forward. When will you learn? We are going to vote for him in 2020, and the idea that he's racist is stupid. Nice try! It won't work this time, just like it didn't work in the past. Now go blow up the pyramids because they were built by slaves.
It's hypocritical for the left to talk this way, after their butt hurtedness over the right talking the same way about Obama.
Thank you for proving #45's behavior is indefensible. Your use of the Obama Card is greatly appreciated raphjd.
That bullshit is nothing more than trying to prevent discussion outside of the topics the left demand we talk about.
And in case you forget, I'm not a Trump fan.
It's hypocritical for the left to talk this way, after their butt hurtedness over the right talking the same way about Obama.
Thank you for proving #45's behavior is indefensible. Your use of the Obama Card is greatly appreciated raphjd.
That bullshit is nothing more than trying to prevent discussion outside of the topics the left demand we talk about.
And in case you forget, I'm not a Trump fan.
I wouldn't call myself a Trump FAN.. but he's the best one willing and available for the job. I really don't like government officials of any kind, including pigs.
Lol. Trump isn't going anywhere. That's what you said two years ago. Keep dreaming. The idea that Merck, who murdered 100,000 people on record with Vioxx, when their scientists told them their drug would kill that exact number of people just reinforces our support for him, because this guy acted like he had a "conscience." We aren't abandoning him by any means, in fact, it makes our support for him grow stronger. Sorry, but we don't buy the racist thing. You acted like this with his Mexico comments, and with his David Duke comments, and we saw it for what it was, as we also see this for the same, and where did that get you? It got you with Trump, because we recognized it was crap. You guys keep getting on your high horse thinking that when Trump is firing Bannon as a distraction, is your means of a path forward. When will you learn? We are going to vote for him in 2020, and the idea that he's racist is stupid. Nice try! It won't work this time, just like it didn't work in the past. Now go blow up the pyramids because they were built by slaves.
Actually recent archaeological research has shown that the pyramids were not built by slaves, but facts have never stood in the way of a good conservative nut job rant before.
Is that so? How about you provide some "archeological proof," before making such statements? Otherwise you are just speculating and dreaming. Everyone had slaves. Even the Indians. They took their slaves on the "Trail of Tears."
You can't erase the past. It is what made us. It wasn't good, but focus on modern slavery. I don't think you realize it.
The Maritime Admiralty System is the driver that makes us ALL slaves. You have no idea about history, Manly Hall, Jordan Maxwell, or any of the great scholars. If you did, you wouldn't feel this way.
Yea I love this guy, he says that some archaeologist said something so he's just going to go along with it without actually presenting any facts!. I love you brah. I love the fact that you can sit here and act like a moron.
"Actually, recent archaeological evidence stated…" Go fuck yourself. You didn't provide ANYTHING to back up your shit.
wow, very emotional about that. I wonder why?
Of course the whole biblical story of the Jews as slaves in Egypt, myths that they built the pyramids, the exodus and the way it flows into the "Jews own Palestine because god gave it to them" political propaganda is one of the more classic examples from history of a conservative fantasy about a totally fictional history. There is not one scrap of archeological evidence that the Jews were ever slaves in Egypt. DNA analysis of Isreali Jews shows that just of about none of them have any middle Eastern ancestry. However that doesn't stop right wing conservative nut jobs building an entire ideology and justifying the theft of someone's country and its occupation by refugees of European Christian genocide on the basis of their irrational fantasies and fictional biblical accounts of a past that never actually existed.
I'm only going by your statements, not reading propaganda… You're basically saying that everything the Jews believe in is garbage. So who is the NAZI? Is it us? or is it YOU? And you go on about "myths that the Jews built the pyramids." Lol None of us ever said that.
Sorry, I wasn't being exclusive to the Jews. I meant everything Jews, Christians, Nazi's, conservatives, the political right and you believe is garbage.
So go ahead and blow up all them statues. We don't care. Sorry, you fell for the trap… Just typical of you guys. Why do you THINK we put them there? Damn you guys are dumb. Do you really think we care about some dumb statues? You still haven't learned yet.