White Domestic Terror
This country has become very unsafe since Donald J Trump took office. The man refuses to use the term "white domestic terrorist" and call these people what they are. David Duke publicly reminded the President that these are the people who elected him. Christians are so full of hate.
This country has become very unsafe since Donald J Trump took office. The man refuses to use the term "white domestic terrorist" and call these people what they are. David Duke publicly reminded the President that these are the people who elected him. Christians are so full of hate.
That WOULD be true, however, in this case, BOTH sides were at fault. If you notice.. the news media isn't picking sides either.
It seems that the white supremacists had gotten a permit to assemble, but they showed up expecting and ready for a fight.
The people protesting the assembly also showed up expecting and ready for a fight.The issue at hand was that a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee was being removed. That is a rather provocative thing to do.
The world looks at ISIS and condemns them for destroying historical artifacts. They even blew up an entire ancient city.
Trump is a big "fuck you" to Obama and the left's race baiting and hatred of whites.
I saw this written somewhere else.
Trumps thoughts on:
Obama - disaster
Paris - shithole
White House - dump
Boy Scout- liars
Neo-Nazi Rally- many sides to issue -
The violence was from many sides.
It's 2017. A woman was killed yesterday by a Nazi.
It's 2017. A woman was killed yesterday by a Nazi.
Damn those Nazis!
By the way, NAZI stands for "National Socialism"… and moonbats are socialists....the woman killed was white, by the way.
I still place the blame on the people that decided to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee - which ignited this event.
Now they are trying to have two confederate statues removed in Kentucky. That should stir up some more violent attacks and get people killed.
Next people will begin boycotting the Winn Dixie supermarket, and Kentucky Fried Chicken with that racist white Kentucky Colonel Sanders. They have already gotten the "Dukes Of Hazzard" removed from cable TV.
It's always someone else's fault huh? Sounds like Trump.
What happened was downright awful, but what do you expect when we have a coward for president who will not seriously condemn white supremacists and has various white supremacists working in the White House? More situations like the one that happened in Charlottesville are going to happen because we are stuck with a poisonous highly unpopular president who is giving a voice to white supremacists like David Duke.
This presidency is effectively over and he will go down in history as the president who promised a safe haven for right-wing murderers like James Alex Fields Jr.
What happened was downright awful, but what do you expect when we have a coward for president who will not seriously condemn white supremacists and has various white supremacists working in the White House? More situations like the one that happened in Charlottesville are going to happen because we are stuck with a poisonous highly unpopular president who is giving a voice to white supremacists like David Duke.
This presidency is effectively over and he will go down in history as the president who promised a safe haven for right-wing murderers like James Alex Fields Jr.
You have a very short memory. The country was a virtual shooting gallery during the 8 year regime when Sheik Obama occupied the White House.
What happened was downright awful, but what do you expect when we have a coward for president who will not seriously condemn white supremacists and has various white supremacists working in the White House? More situations like the one that happened in Charlottesville are going to happen because we are stuck with a poisonous highly unpopular president who is giving a voice to white supremacists like David Duke.
This presidency is effectively over and he will go down in history as the president who promised a safe haven for right-wing murderers like James Alex Fields Jr.
You have a very short memory. The country was a virtual shooting gallery during the 8 year regime when Sheik Obama occupied the White House.

This country has become very unsafe since Donald J Trump took office. The man refuses to use the term "white domestic terrorist" and call these people what they are. David Duke publicly reminded the President that these are the people who elected him. Christians are so full of hate.
That WOULD be true, however, in this case, BOTH sides were at fault. If you notice.. the news media isn't picking sides either.
It seems that the white supremacists had gotten a permit to assemble, but they showed up expecting and ready for a fight.
The people protesting the assembly also showed up expecting and ready for a fight.The issue at hand was that a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee was being removed. That is a rather provocative thing to do.
The world looks at ISIS and condemns them for destroying historical artifacts. They even blew up an entire ancient city.
I'm not gonna win this argument, 'cause I don't think arguments can be won.
I just want to hear you try to explain the moral equivalency of "both sides". Explain to me how the alt-right, KKK, Neo-Nazi, Nazis, and whatever else White Supremacist-related groups are equal to another group that was represented in Charlottesville. And while you're at it, be sure to "name" the other groups (and there were many) on the Left.
Let's hear this. 'Cause I really wanna hear you defend White supremacy.

This country has become very unsafe since Donald J Trump took office. The man refuses to use the term "white domestic terrorist" and call these people what they are. David Duke publicly reminded the President that these are the people who elected him. Christians are so full of hate.
That WOULD be true, however, in this case, BOTH sides were at fault. If you notice.. the news media isn't picking sides either.
It seems that the white supremacists had gotten a permit to assemble, but they showed up expecting and ready for a fight.
The people protesting the assembly also showed up expecting and ready for a fight.The issue at hand was that a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee was being removed. That is a rather provocative thing to do.
The world looks at ISIS and condemns them for destroying historical artifacts. They even blew up an entire ancient city.
I'm not gonna win this argument, 'cause I don't think arguments can be won.
I just want to hear you try to explain the moral equivalency of "both sides". Explain to me how the alt-right, KKK, Neo-Nazi, Nazis, and whatever else White Supremacist-related groups are equal to another group that was represented in Charlottesville. And while you're at it, be sure to "name" the other groups (and there were many) on the Left.
Let's hear this. 'Cause I really wanna hear you defend White supremacy.
You're right, you aren't going to win this argument. And.. I already explained this in the message you quoted above. To summarize, BOTH sides came fully prepared and looking for a fight. The one difference is that the "supremacists" actually filed for and got the permit to be there, the other side did not. One could easily say that nazi boy backed his car up out of fear for being beaten to death. His car was immediately surrounded by the opposition dressed in military fatigues, smashing his car and windows to bits with various nasty weapons. Both sides were at fault, and I personally blame whatever idiot decided it would be a good idea to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee.
You're right, you aren't going to win this argument. And.. I already explained this in the message you quoted above. To summarize, BOTH sides came fully prepared and looking for a fight. The one difference is that the "supremacists" actually filed for and got the permit to be there, the other side did not. One could easily say that nazi boy backed his car up out of fear for being beaten to death. His car was immediately surrounded by the opposition dressed in military fatigues, smashing his car and windows to bits with various nasty weapons. Both sides were at fault, and I personally blame whatever idiot decided it would be a good idea to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee.
[/quote]No, I meant I can't win an argument, because you're not aware of how arguments actually work. Arguments need specificity, lest they just sound like the wild ravings of a lunatic disgruntled at everything but unable to actually pinpoint the object of criticism.
Several religious leaders united to protect a Black church, Dr. Cornel West was one of them. They were met with serious resistance, as White Supremacists, taking advantage of the open-carry laws, stood face to face with them armed with guns in camo.
Dr. West called out anarchist and anti-fascists who showed up ready to defend. Yes, perhaps some groups or just individuals on the Left were looking for a fight. I know a few folks. And if I lived in Charlottesville, I might be down there with them. I'm down with punching Nazis.
Your shit-storm lunatic ravings fall short when you can't actually offer robust critique, Milo/Frederick. And the more you open that mouth of yours, the more shit spews out, and the smellier you become.
What happened was downright awful, but what do you expect when we have a coward for president who will not seriously condemn white supremacists and has various white supremacists working in the White House? More situations like the one that happened in Charlottesville are going to happen because we are stuck with a poisonous highly unpopular president who is giving a voice to white supremacists like David Duke.
This presidency is effectively over and he will go down in history as the president who promised a safe haven for right-wing murderers like James Alex Fields Jr.
You have a very short memory. The country was a virtual shooting gallery during the 8 year regime when Sheik Obama occupied the White House.

YES, of course, we can only talk about Trump's bad things. We can't talk about our former shitty President. Because feelings.
YES, of course, we can only talk about Trump's bad things. We can't talk about our former shitty President. Because feelings.
Oh sure we can talk about feelings. I'm feeling like you harbor racist sentiment. But it's just a feeling. Heaven knows where it came from.
Ah, because I don't hate myself, I must be a racist.
According to leftists, the only "good" white person (as if there can be such a thing), is a self loathing one who cucks to everyone else.
YES, of course, we can only talk about Trump's bad things. We can't talk about our former shitty President. Because feelings.
Oh sure we can talk about feelings. I'm feeling like you harbor racist sentiment. But it's just a feeling. Heaven knows where it came from.
It's not surprising that you are the only person in the group that can't figure out how to use the QUOTE feature. :crazy: