Trump doesn't understand the cybers
Last year Trump told us that he understands the cybers better than anyone. I think he lied guys.
He asked the states to send YOUR personal information to an insecure email address. The request included the following:
Full names
Home addresses
Dates of birth
Political affiliations
Last four digits of social security numbers
Elections voted in from 2006 onward
Information about felony convictions
Information about voter registration in other states
Information about military status
And overseas citizen informationAccording to the article and the various techies that commented on it the email address didn't even contain basic email security protocols. I admit that I don't understand all of that technical stuff but the people in the comment section sure seem to know what they are talking about.
I realize that this is mostly public information (except for the SSN) but there is no central place for a hacker to steal it for 160 million people. That's one of the benefits of not having a centralized election system.
The worst part is that many states sent it! I imagine the Russians (or Nigerians or lots of others) are hard at work hacking that address in order to steal your identities. I'm glad I live in a state that understands a little about the cybers. Trump makes us all a little less secure with each passing day.
No surprise, government is usually bad with IT security. Ironically, the US invests a lot in spying and digital surveillance, so you'd think we would have a more high tech government.
I think this decision, like all Trump administration decisions, was handled poorly and keen states will likely not submit any data.
It's a limited victory, but at least about half the states prevented the release of their residents' most-criminally desired, hackable information. And with more limited data, it's less likely this amateur-hour fraud commission will be able to further fabricate the Trump-pleasing fallacy that 3-4 million illegals threw the popular vote to Clinton. Or will they just wing it, fudge the numbers, and get alternative facts media behind them? That's the sickening core issue here.
Trump's understanding of IT security, oh, I don't even want to think about it. The man spends five hours a day watching cable news, when he could be sharpening his IT prowess, or meeting with advisors for tutorials on strategic foreign policy, etc. Frivolous commissions and so much wasted time by this man, in what – so far and not surprisingly -- has been a remarkably low-achievement administration.
I think it was clear from its formation that this commission was going to validate Trump's allegation and use it to support voter suppression in the very states that gave Hillary her plurality. Can you imagine a group chaired by Mike Pence doing anything else? the greatest privilege of his life is serving the president.