Post the last game you played
Thief. I watched Uncharted on Pewdiepie
Don't have ps4…
Kentucky Route Zero
Which is an altogether lovely game… but too damn slow.
LEgend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC (finally beat it)
Pillars of Eternity
Guild Wars 2
Nier on Ps3. To be honest, I was impressed by the Nier automata, but I haven't gotten myself a ps4 yet so I have to play the first part.
Septerra Core
LA Noire
half life 2 precursor
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd
Super Mario Land 3D. (just bought a Nintendo 3DS)
Rivals of Aether
League of Legends (and I'm terrible at it, lol).
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd (finally beat and doing some new game+ stuff).
Caves of Qud…interesting roguelike.
Warframe ;D
Child of light, finally finished
Dead Cells