Would you have sex with a guy with a small dick
no, only big cock for me! :cool2:
with a pleasure
i prefer normal to smaller size than a huge dong. sure theyre great to look at/worship, but when the action happen…..., its pretty hard to handle....
What's wrong with a small one?
I think you have heard a resounding cry that there are tons of guys that would think this is a turnon or don't care. I want to caution, that some do care..just like some care about height, weight, race, etc. I think it is important you are honest about it and upfront about it. I agree with so many of the posters that sex is really not dependent on size. I have had some great sex with guys all over the spectrum and been pleasured by many different sizes, HOWEVER, I tended to have more hot sessions with average or slightly average guys. In fact of my all ten top tops, I would say 8 were 6inches or below.
Final caution. I use to obsess about my average size cock. It drove people away, not my size, my obsession with it. If they say they are okay with it, take them at face value. I remember one FWB I had who was a good 8" and a total slut and loved to flip flop. He got a bf for a few months, and we he came back on the market..he came right to my dick to get fucked. He said he loved the size and he could not get enough of it. I don't know why always helped my confidence that this total slut with choice of dicks came running to mine.
yes why not, although i'm a top small dicks are nice too
why not? i can have sex with any guy who's talented with his hands. and as my nick may tell, i love being fucked with toys. so i don't think a small dick would be a big problem.
when it comes right down to it it's all about how you use it and I could always be top instead totally verse here) but it is a bit more pleasing in general to see a bigger one but if he's hot as hell who cares?