#45 Has Fired FBI Director James Comey
This has really gotten to a disgusting level of corruption and cover-up. Just when it seemed like the Russian cloud was going away, a new storm is developing. This is about to get very interesting and very ugly. I see a Nixon repeat on the horizon.
This has really gotten to a disgusting level of corruption and cover-up. Just when it seemed like the Russian cloud was going away, a new storm is developing. This is about to get very interesting and very ugly. I see a Nixon repeat on the horizon.
Get a grip.. just last week.. 7 days ago.. Hillary was blaming Comey for losing the election. Then when Trump fires Comey.. Trump gets the blame! You libtards are unbelievable. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/05/02/hillary-clinton-blames-comey-wikileaks-2016-election-loss/101203972/
I am of the belief he should have been fired a long time ago. My concern is that we will simply get a puppet in his place that will do no better.
(on a sidenote - in the spirit of polite and civil discussion, can you call liberals, liberals. libtards is just rude - you have said it like 5 times in your last 3 posts - I know things can get heated in here but I do not think it is a huge ask, for both sides, to be civil.. people seem to be so rude to eachother in this section - no matter their political inclination)
This has really gotten to a disgusting level of corruption and cover-up. Just when it seemed like the Russian cloud was going away, a new storm is developing. This is about to get very interesting and very ugly. I see a Nixon repeat on the horizon.
Did you not READ Trump's letter to Comey? Thanking Comey for exonerating him THREE times saying there was no case and no evidence and no investigation into the Russia collusion claims because it was RIDICULOUS!? Get over it! DAMN. I'm so tired of hearing about Russia when there is no evidence. What there is evidence of is bleach bit and you guys voted for that witch when she literally sent classified information to people who were not authorized to have it. DAMN. How fucking stupid are you? I'm so sick of this shit. He said she was GUILTY, but not recommending charges. He was playing both sides because he KNEW Trump was going to win. Trump gave him some time, and then he went before Congress and lied. Get a life and quit being a dumb bitch.
Flaming "dumb bitch".
This has really gotten to a disgusting level of corruption and cover-up. Just when it seemed like the Russian cloud was going away, a new storm is developing. This is about to get very interesting and very ugly. I see a Nixon repeat on the horizon.
Get a grip.. just last week.. 7 days ago.. Hillary was blaming Comey for losing the election. Then when Trump fires Comey.. Trump gets the blame! You libtards are unbelievable. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/05/02/hillary-clinton-blames-comey-wikileaks-2016-election-loss/101203972/
Jeff Sessions, who is supposed to recuse himself from anything involving the 2016 election and the Russian investigation recommended Comey's firing. That in of itself is highly problematic. This has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, they are blatantly lying about that being the reason for Comey being fired and a leaked report will prove it's a lie. Just waiting on that leak. Knowing this administration, the leak is right around the corner.
This has really gotten to a disgusting level of corruption and cover-up. Just when it seemed like the Russian cloud was going away, a new storm is developing. This is about to get very interesting and very ugly. I see a Nixon repeat on the horizon.
Did you not READ Trump's letter to Comey? Thanking Comey for exonerating him THREE times saying there was no case and no evidence and no investigation into the Russia collusion claims because it was RIDICULOUS!? Get over it! DAMN. I'm so tired of hearing about Russia when there is no evidence. What there is evidence of is bleach bit and you guys voted for that witch when she literally sent classified information to people who were not authorized to have it. DAMN. How fucking stupid are you? I'm so sick of this shit. He said she was GUILTY, but not recommending charges. He was playing both sides because he KNEW Trump was going to win. Trump gave him some time, and then he went before Congress and lied. Get a life and quit being a dumb bitch.
I do not care what our incompetent president wrote in that letter, he has no credibility left (barely had any to begin with); therefore, what he wrote in that letter does nothing to hide this level of corruption. Jeff Sessions is supposed to stay out of anything related to the 2016 election and instead of staying out of it, he recommends the FBI Director be fired because of how he handled an investigation involving a part of the 2016 election? Also, I just reported you for the "dumb bitch" insult. Do not personally attack me when I'm simply stating the way I see the corruption in this situation.
Oh dear the Republican dilemma. There are none so blind as those who cannot see.
When Director Comey said a week before the election last year he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails, the candidate Trump went into overdrive in his praise of the FBI Director. 'He has guts' he exclaimed to his adoring supporters, 'courage, a great move.'
Now when Comey declares to the House enquiry on Russian involvement in the election and Trump teams possible connection, the investigation was continuing, Trump fires him. Oh Donald Donald, starting to get too close to home.
Plus the FBI have filed a warrant with the Grand Jury to investigate colleagues of Flynns emails and other communications'.
This will not go away. -
Oh dear the Republican dilemma. There are none so blind as those who cannot see.
When Director Comey said a week before the election last year he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails, the candidate Trump went into overdrive in his praise of the FBI Director. 'He has guts' he exclaimed to his adoring supporters, 'courage, a great move.'
Now when Comey declares to the House enquiry on Russian involvement in the election and Trump teams possible connection, the investigation was continuing, Trump fires him. Oh Donald Donald, starting to get too close to home.
Plus the FBI have filed a warrant with the Grand Jury to investigate colleagues of Flynns emails and other communications'.
This will not go away.No, that's not True. The facts are:
Comey stated on record that Hillary DID send CLASSIFIED information to Anthony Weiner who was unauthorized, which is a felony.
Comey stated THREE times that there was NO evidence of Russian collusion (You guys just keep dreaming this garbage up).
Comey admitted Hillary used BLEACH BIT to try to HIDE evidence during an investigation.
Comey covered for Hillary to affect the outcome of the election, the FBI is not supposed to be political.
THAT is why Trump FIRED his ASS! Buh-BYE! Thank God!
First, I agree with Frederick, that people need to be more civil in their political discourse. Passion is fine, but personally attacking people is not. You get nowhere.
Now, to outline some facts.
The above provided link contains the termination letter Trump sent to Comey, and it has the two letters submitted to the white house from BOTH Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. The Deputy Attorney General, upon being nominated to the position a few months ago, was the longest serving US Attorney at the time, having served for about 30 years. If you read the documents in the above provided link you will see Jeff Sessions wrote a very brief letter stating he supported the conclusions of the Deputy Attorney General. It was the Deputy Attorney General whom drafted a Memoranda outlining his reasoning for recommending the removal of Comey as FBI Director. In that Memoranda, of which you can read, he cites multiple former Attorneys General and Deputy Attorneys General that served presidents of BOTH parties over the past 30+ years that came to the same conclusion that Comey was no longer fit to serve as head of that law enforcement agency.
Until there is definitive proof of collusion between the Trump and Russia, of which none publicly exists at this time, then you cannot jump to conclusions. Democrats and Republicans had called for Comey's firing. Now that it was done, Democrats are freaking out. Why can't people look at things through a non-partisan lens once in a while? I will be right there calling for Trumps impeachment if evidence comes to light that he directly worked with Russia or had knowledge that members of his campaign were working with Russia to sway the election; however, until that happens I will not jump to any conclusions like so many people are willing to do.
First, I agree with Frederick, that people need to be more civil in their political discourse. Passion is fine, but personally attacking people is not. You get nowhere.
Now, to outline some facts.
The above provided link contains the termination letter Trump sent to Comey, and it has the two letters submitted to the white house from BOTH Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. The Deputy Attorney General, upon being nominated to the position a few months ago, was the longest serving US Attorney at the time, having served for about 30 years. If you read the documents in the above provided link you will see Jeff Sessions wrote a very brief letter stating he supported the conclusions of the Deputy Attorney General. It was the Deputy Attorney General whom drafted a Memoranda outlining his reasoning for recommending the removal of Comey as FBI Director. In that Memoranda, of which you can read, he cites multiple former Attorneys General and Deputy Attorneys General that served presidents of BOTH parties over the past 30+ years that came to the same conclusion that Comey was no longer fit to serve as head of that law enforcement agency.
Until there is definitive proof of collusion between the Trump and Russia, of which none publicly exists at this time, then you cannot jump to conclusions. Democrats and Republicans had called for Comey's firing. Now that it was done, Democrats are freaking out. Why can't people look at things through a non-partisan lens once in a while? I will be right there calling for Trumps impeachment if evidence comes to light that he directly worked with Russia or had knowledge that members of his campaign were working with Russia to sway the election; however, until that happens I will not jump to any conclusions like so many people are willing to do.
I feel like Jeff Sessions should not have had a say-so at all. His name should be nowhere near any of this given the conflict of interests. And nope, you cannot say "Democrats are freaking out" without providing the overall context behind why Democrats AND some Republicans (there goes your partisan argument) are freaking out. You're skipping one big question: Why in the world was Comey fired NOW? The White House needs to provide more details and be slightly more transparent about what brought them to this conclusion NOW. Why was then-candidate Agent Orange rooting for Comey and the reopened investigation into Hillary Clinton and now-president Agent Orange finds what Comey did "unacceptable?" Context is key. This does not add up; hence, people are freaking out.
First, I agree with Frederick, that people need to be more civil in their political discourse. Passion is fine, but personally attacking people is not. You get nowhere.
Now, to outline some facts.
The above provided link contains the termination letter Trump sent to Comey, and it has the two letters submitted to the white house from BOTH Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. The Deputy Attorney General, upon being nominated to the position a few months ago, was the longest serving US Attorney at the time, having served for about 30 years. If you read the documents in the above provided link you will see Jeff Sessions wrote a very brief letter stating he supported the conclusions of the Deputy Attorney General. It was the Deputy Attorney General whom drafted a Memoranda outlining his reasoning for recommending the removal of Comey as FBI Director. In that Memoranda, of which you can read, he cites multiple former Attorneys General and Deputy Attorneys General that served presidents of BOTH parties over the past 30+ years that came to the same conclusion that Comey was no longer fit to serve as head of that law enforcement agency.
Until there is definitive proof of collusion between the Trump and Russia, of which none publicly exists at this time, then you cannot jump to conclusions. Democrats and Republicans had called for Comey's firing. Now that it was done, Democrats are freaking out. Why can't people look at things through a non-partisan lens once in a while? I will be right there calling for Trumps impeachment if evidence comes to light that he directly worked with Russia or had knowledge that members of his campaign were working with Russia to sway the election; however, until that happens I will not jump to any conclusions like so many people are willing to do.
I feel like Jeff Sessions should not have had a say-so at all. His name should be nowhere near any of this given the conflict of interests. And nope, you cannot say "Democrats are freaking out" without providing the overall context behind why Democrats AND some Republicans (there goes your partisan argument) are freaking out. You're skipping one big question: Why in the world was Comey fired NOW? The White House needs to provide more details and be slightly more transparent about what brought them to this conclusion NOW. Why was then-candidate Agent Orange rooting for Comey and the reopened investigation into Hillary Clinton and now-president Agent Orange finds what Comey did "unacceptable?" Context is key. This does not add up; hence, people are freaking out.
The details were provided - Comey was removed based on the recommendations of the attorney general and the deputy attorney general. Those recommendation letters were attached to the firing letter.
As for "WHY NOW", isn't that exceedingly unreasonable to expect the administration to act immediately? They needed to review the facts, review the testimony and I'm sure tons of other things in order to make the best decision according to their own beliefs. I'm sure all of that takes a huge amount of time.
As far as the hypocrisy angle, seriously, I'll just leave this here:
The liberal mainstream media hypocrisy is astounding, and it's beyond my ability to even understand how anyone still has faith in the reporting by the media on this issue.
Good, way to take headlines largely out of context and attempt to still pretend you're on top and have a point.
This is just another in the series of heavy-handed dismissals so our grand dipshit can stack the deck in what he thinks is his favor.
It's a band of idiots trying desperately to damage-control the actions of a demagogue who has no idea what the hell he's even doing. You're on a gay torrent site, you're the last people who should be monkey-parroting idiot pseudointellectual political stances, but here you are trying to defend people because oh hey, surely people who were appointed to a fancy-titled position must know what they're doing, right?
Also, L O L at the "liberal mainstream media". Because handy buzz phrases make you sound so intelligent and informed! Please, get a clue; this is a disconcerting trend from the dictionary definition of a demagogue. It is not anything that should be defended or least of all justified, and least of all still by anyone who is gay and frequents a torrent community! Frankly, it makes no difference whether this is the action of conservatives, liberals, or whatever – those are just convenient oversimplifications that have nothing to do with the matter at hand and lend themselves to logical flaws and frankly asinine argument in an attempt to polarize. You have failed. You get nothing, sir. Good day.
This is a classic example of how hypocritical the libtards are. In the same DAY, Podesta starts out by again attacking Comey.. but then a few hours later, Podesta is attacking Trump for firing Comey!
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was, like many on the political left, angry with former FBI Director James Comey Tuesday morning. But his tone changed significantly only hours later when President Donald Trump fired Comey.
Just last week, Hillary Clinton partially blamed Comey for her loss in the 2016 election, so it’s not surprising her campaign chairman would also harbor bad blood. Tuesday morning, while sharing a story on the then-FBI director’s testimony the day before, Podesta commented, “The American public is getting mildly nauseous listening to Jim Comey.”
Hours later, however, once the news of Comey’s firing hit, Podesta’s tone changed.
While tweeting the New York Times story on the firing just seven hours later, Podesta said, “@realDonaldTrump Didn’t you know you’re supposed to wait til Saturday night to massacre people investigating you?” -
I feel like Jeff Sessions should not have had a say-so at all. His name should be nowhere near any of this given the conflict of interests. And nope, you cannot say "Democrats are freaking out" without providing the overall context behind why Democrats AND some Republicans (there goes your partisan argument) are freaking out. You're skipping one big question: Why in the world was Comey fired NOW? The White House needs to provide more details and be slightly more transparent about what brought them to this conclusion NOW.
Jeff Sessions recused himself from the overblown Russia investigation, not from being the head of the Department of Justice. If you read the letters, you can clearly see he adds nothing to the Deputy's opinion other than a concurrence.
As to WHY NOW? That's probably the easiest question to answer. Rosenstein was confirmed just 2 weeks ago. Rosenstein is the person the FBI Chief reports to at the DOJ so was Comey's direct supervisor. Rosenstein wasn't happy with Comey, and wanted him gone.
Now, to add a little context, just the week Sen. Whitehouse kept drawing comparisons to the 18 days from the time Yates went to the WH to discuss Flynn and Flynn's resignation to the 18 minutes of missing tape from the Nixon tapes. So, the Democrats were screaming that he didn't act quickly enough upon the recommendation of the staff, and when he acts quickly they question why he acted so quickly. It becomes a no-win situation. You can find fault and boogeymen if you WANT to find them. Trust me, I know some conservatives who did the same during the Obama years, and I told them when they were being ridiculous, too, even though I detest every policy he proposed.Good, way to take headlines largely out of context and attempt to still pretend you're on top and have a point.
This is just another in the series of heavy-handed dismissals so our grand dipshit can stack the deck in what he thinks is his favor.
I don't know how an image of headlines takes anything out of context. It just shows the truth in black and white.
As for the "heavy-handed dismissals" I can't even imagine what you mean. IF, IF you are discussing the firing of Sally Yates, she had refused to do the job she was hired to do. (BTW, the reasons she gave this Monday for refusing to allow the DOJ to defend the Exec. Order are NOT the same reasons she gave back in January, and she had also already accepted a high-paying job in the private sector at the end of the week prior to her refusal, so it is likely she knew exactly what she was doing.) IF you are talking about the remaining States' Attorneys, nothing he did in firing them en masse was one bit different than previous administrations. Who else has he fired, other than Comey?
This is a classic example of how hypocritical the libtards are. In the same DAY, Podesta starts out by again attacking Comey.. but then a few hours later, Podesta is attacking Trump for firing Comey!
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was, like many on the political left, angry with former FBI Director James Comey Tuesday morning. But his tone changed significantly only hours later when President Donald Trump fired Comey.
Just last week, Hillary Clinton partially blamed Comey for her loss in the 2016 election, so it’s not surprising her campaign chairman would also harbor bad blood. Tuesday morning, while sharing a story on the then-FBI director’s testimony the day before, Podesta commented, “The American public is getting mildly nauseous listening to Jim Comey.”
Hours later, however, once the news of Comey’s firing hit, Podesta’s tone changed.
While tweeting the New York Times story on the firing just seven hours later, Podesta said, “@realDonaldTrump Didn’t you know you’re supposed to wait til Saturday night to massacre people investigating you?”How recently did you discover what hypocrisy is? Because you're not using it in the proper context whatsoever.
Do you people supporting #45 on this issue seriously hear yourselves? You are asking us to simply give the benefit of the doubt without taking the context of this entire situation into consideration. Democrats and Republicans have a right to question the timing and no one is a hypocrite except the president. Are you all arguing that our president is so incompetent that he fully embraced someone that he has easily now been turned against by a simple letter? He fully embraced Comey on inauguration day on LIVE TV and has been speaking highly of him ever since. And out of nowhere, he agrees with a letter condemning Comey's actions surrounding the Hillary Clinton email investigation even though he fully supported said investigation while it was ongoing? And we're the hypocrites? :crazy2:
This is blatant corruption and I cannot wait for the leaked proof and subsequent independent investigation that will put all of this into perspective. The dark cloud continues…
This is blatant corruption and I cannot wait for the leaked proof and subsequent independent investigation that will put all of this into perspective. The dark cloud continues…
Leaked proof? As much information that has been leaked do you really think if they had ANY proof of corruption it wouldn't have been known by now? Stop, take a breath and give the tin foil hat a break.
This is blatant corruption and I cannot wait for the leaked proof and subsequent independent investigation that will put all of this into perspective. The dark cloud continues…
Leaked proof? As much information that has been leaked do you really think if they had ANY proof of corruption it wouldn't have been known by now? Stop, take a breath and give the tin foil hat a break.
Nope, that's not how a dark cloud works. Slow drip, drip, drip just like the Hillary Clinton emails. That keeps it constantly on the minds of people. This thing is already over, it's all about time at this point. The funny thing, just like with Nixon, #45's last line of defense is the courts and we all know he blew his reputation with them before he even took office. Nixon tried to stop the Watergate tapes from being released and it was the court that brought the end to him by forcing the release of those tapes. Looks like we're headed for a repeat :hero:
Nope, that's not how a dark cloud works. Slow drip, drip, drip just like the Hillary Clinton emails. That keeps it constantly on the minds of people. This thing is already over, it's all about time at this point. The funny thing, just like with Nixon, #45's last line of defense is the courts and we all know he blew his reputation with them before he even took office. Nixon tried to stop the Watergate tapes from being released and it was the court that brought the end to him by forcing the release of those tapes. Looks like we're headed for a repeat
So true. How funny was it that tRump had a meeting with Kissinger today too! Wonder what they talked about?