The “Biggest” I’ve Seen! - (and I thought my “10+” was good)
A while back I remember being impressed with my 7+, posting a forum reply at “Re: Anyone who manages…1.0 or above ratio without donating?” -
Back then, with a share ratio of 7.373, I have to say I was impressed with myself.
Then I saw 45.921 and was blown away–cut down to size!
So a week ago I broke 10. Again, a little impressed with the number, I wanted to get an idea of where it fell among share ratios. (Of course knowing that 45.921 from a while back was just a rarity, an anomaly--in my opinion--and my 10 was pretty good.)
I was so wrong. Not only was it at the low end of the 10 bracket share ratio, I couldn’t believe the number of those between 10 and that 45--and the numbers surpassing it as well!
Then I saw the “whopper”--an incredible 256.894! 256.894! Wow!
I’m still happy with my 10 plus knowing it’s really not that big of a deal when it comes to share ratios, and to those with the truly “big ones”–I say fantastic!
random number of ratio means nothing if you dont take into account the amount of data transferred.
It's easy to have a 10 as ratio if you only downloaded few Go. -
random number of ratio means nothing if you dont take into account the amount of data transferred.
It's easy to have a 10 as ratio if you only downloaded few Go.Over a 100 GB downloaded ls a bit more than a "few" in my opinion.
Regardless, they're still impressive numbers to me.
yes indeed. I wasn't specifically talking about you of course but in general. I think the huge ratio you are talking about have probably like no download. (like 45 ,200 + )
I think the only way to to a ratio of 45 is to download only free-leech torrents and seed 24/7
actually dear pppucci I'm way more impressed by your huge data traffic than someone with 1Go downloaded and 45Go uploaded given a 45 ratio.
you have to look at the downloaded amount too,
besides, most of us do not create new torrents so the only way to keep the ratio above water is by seeding. problem is most of the stuff i want to download has very few leechers…
I didn't know ratio comparison was a fetish too
Anyway, for real comparison the downloaded amount should be at least 100 GB. Thus the one with 45+ ratio and only 250 MB downloaded doesn't count. Meanwhile, us lowly ones are trying hard to keep our ratio at 1. :cheers:
cough nearly 65TB uploaded cough
Want an easy way to get a good ratio, and be able to download whatever you want? Get a seedbox.
I was the 1st person to break 1tb up and down.
I didn't know ratio comparison was a fetish too
Anyway, for real comparison the downloaded amount should be at least 100 GB. Thus the one with 45+ ratio and only 250 MB downloaded doesn't count. Meanwhile, us lowly ones are trying hard to keep our ratio at 1. :cheers:
A fetish and necessity. Once you've get the hang of it, it's very easy to upped your ratio