Do you masturbate yourself to sleep at night?
I have come to a stage where I cannot fall asleep unless I masturbate prior to sleeping.
does it happen to you? how often? -
Most nights for me too! And if I don't before I go to sleep if I'm exhausted, I will usually wake up in the middle of the night and have to masturbate then before I can get back to sleep.
Sometimes yes. Not so often. About 3 times a week.
Used to, when I was a teen. As I grew older (and have had, at different times, partners with whom I slept), I got out of that habit. Currently, I am sleeping alone again, but I'm more likely to read myself to sleep, than jerk off.
Yes, often…but not every night. I used to nearly every night when i was younger.
Yes - I call it my routine!!!! I usually jerk off once or twice before bed.
I often beat it before sleep
It can happen. I usually sleep better if I jerk one right before.
Well, I do masturbate on most night. But if you CANNOT go to sleep without masturbation, that may be a problem.
Well, I do masturbate on most night. But if you CANNOT go to sleep without masturbation, that may be a problem.
I agree. This has become a problem for me. there are times when I just keep rolling in my bed unable to fall asleep, then I just turn on the TV masturbate so that I can sleep.
Same here.. it is like a natural sleeping pill for me - i think it is a case of releasing all the pent up stuff of the day and chilling
Most of the time i do
Of course ;D It acvtually helps me relax and fall asleep more easily.
Of course ;D It acvtually helps me relax and fall asleep more easily.
What does your signature pic mean?
Sometimes yes. Not so often as I was more younger… Approximately once every 10 days
Only on Thursday nights ;D
yea I do it every night
Well, I do masturbate on most night. But if you CANNOT go to sleep without masturbation, that may be a problem.
I agree. This has become a problem for me. there are times when I just keep rolling in my bed unable to fall asleep, then I just turn on the TV masturbate so that I can sleep.
That does sound somewhat problematic. Many people don't acknowledge it, but orgasm can be very addictive. The endorphins released during an orgasm are the same released while doing cocaine, so it is entirely possible to become physically, emotionally, or even chemically addicted.
Also, the conditions one has when falling asleep can be trained into the sleep pattern. I've been reading before sleep for almost thirty years, now. That means every time I open a book, I get groggy, and it also means that if I don't have a book to distract myself from the day, I'm going to have a hard time falling asleep.
If you're concerned and you want to stop, you might try replacing it with another activity that will shut out the noise of the day, and relax you. Like I said, I like to read myself to sleep. A good escapist book like sci-fi or fantasy (but not TOO good, otherwise, it will keep you up all night; I've done that with more than a few real page-turners) is a great way to leave the day behind and relax your mind. Or you can memorize a piece of poetry and recite it to yourself over and over until it lulls you to sleep. The concept behind "counting sheep" is based on this; the soothing repetition of a simple idea will shut out worries and busy thoughts, and allow the brain to relax until it rests.
Anyway, that's just my $0.02. I'm no psychologist or sleep pathologist, just a late thirty-something who has had to find a way to sleep when making a goey mess wasn't an option.
if I have to…lol
Dumb question. Is this for scientific purposes or just to make yourself feel ok with masturbation because you feel guilty and don't want Jehovah to judge you? Who cares?