Do other guys also have stretch marks?
I have quite a few around my belt area, my thighs, which are sometimes also itchy because they're dry (I don't unterstand why they can be dry there, but they do get dry)
OklaBalmore, it could be irritation. maybe its the fabric you wearing or it could be a form of constriction there.
I have stretch marks on my inner thigh, butt, and armpits. They're mainly from puberty and also weight training.
Most effective method for me to reduce their appearance was to moisturize using shea butter and/or bio oil.
Hope it works for you too!
Hi, its been quite some time I have been going to gym. However, I am quite disappointed since I am getting stretch marks on my arms and thighs. Wanted to know if this is normal and do other guys also have stretch marks ?
Anything to prevent these awful stretch marks?Don't worry, this is very normal. So don't be annoyed with it, it's natural too. I have ones, and that's because I used to be on the near-obese level. When your body size have been larger (or smaller) before, of course after working out you'd get stretch marks.
As for how to prevent or deal with it? -
I have them too! It's completely normal.
I've been skinny my whole life, but during puberty I got a lot of stretch marks on the sides on my butt and my thighs. And recently, I got a few new ones in the inner part of my thigh, probably because I had a crappy work out regime this past year. (I've been getting better at it
My entire family has stretch marks, and it is genetic, so it's not in my control. All I can do is try to keep new ones from coming.
Try not to worry too much about it!! If it's any consolation, I do have a thing for guys who have stretch marks