Is it okay to have sex twice every day?
I hope that's okay because my sex hormones have been raging and rampaging these days.
It depends on what "sex" is to you I guess, haha. Are you bottoming, or topping?
I'd feel cheated if I was in a relationship and wasn't getting it every day, to be honest. ;D
Have as much sex you like. Sex is healthy.
Number 1 rule is that sex is consensual and all parts agrees to what is going on.
So go for it -
You sound like you are just discovering sex! ;D Or maybe you really are! And that's beautiful! Go for it, son! Go for it!
If it's safe sex in a committed relationship. Sure, why not?
if u make it with your BF i think its OK
sometimes i make three time per day!!
and sometime i can stay without any sex more than tow months
Typically any copious amount of anything can be bad. With sex, it depends whether or not you are topping or bottoming. If topping, do consider when Chuck Negron had tons of sex that made him penis swell… ignoring his doctor's warnings, he continued and his penis split in half with a pleasant ripping sound. As for bottoming, it should be fine as long as you aren't doing anything like taking up a dick that's too big for you to handle. However be warned of anal fissures, excessive sex with an anal fissure is serious. :crazy2:
I don't see how sex twice or thrice a day (when done carefully of course) can be bad for anyone. The only downside I can see is exhaustion and mild depression, but the latter can happen to anyone who masturbates daily {looks away}. I'm sure your body will tell you when it can't handle it. Until then - enjoy! :ride:
hahha its okay. And more than this, it's amazing! go ahead , dude!
When I'm in a new relationship I on average have sex 3 times a day and that usually stays that way for months. It usually slows down to once or twice a day after that.
…......if i'm very horny... maybe i can do 2-3times...but not everyday
Sure, why not?
Why limit it to twice.
go for it bro
LoL of course it is!! as long as you are being safe and preferably with one person (but who am I to judge)
I wish I got it twice a day haha
I better hope it's okay for my sake lol I sometimes do it more than that.
If you are bottom, its ok i guess, but if you are top having sex twice in a day can damage your lovely main vein