Do you think UK must exit the EU?
If you reply could you please tell why you think they should or shouldn't.
Myself: I think they should. they never played along the rules anyway, besides I want Frenexit, so if Uk succeed, then it will be a great argument for France to exit. and if France exit, the Euro is dead immediately as Euro only exists because of Germans and Frenchs. Frenchs never wanted to be part of UE as it is as they voted in a referendum in 2005 against the constitution, however Sarkozy went against the people will and sign treaties that were copies of the constitution (hilariously that awful constitution and treaties were written by an ex french president , VGD'Estaing). Greatest advanced and project like CNES (Ariane), Airbus were made when nations had privileged relationship in Europe. Anything that contributes to the end of this atrocious thing that is the EU is great . (thank you Netherlands for rejecting Ukraine agreement , let's hope you will also reject the TIPP :clap2: )
The EU has made peace possible in Europe after WW1 and WW2. Maybe that is too long ago so people don't appreciate it any more.
Yeah, Britain goes, next year the French will elect LePen as president, that will really be a better world, esp. for Europeans.
The EU has made peace possible in Europe after WW1 and WW2.
I'm afraid that is absolutely wrong.. the CECA was created for that purpose (among economical transactions ) then the CEE, then CE , and only then UE … UE is less than 10 years old.. I dont think there was any war between 1945 - 2007 ...( 13 december 2007 Lisbon treaty the beginning of the end)
What prevented war was for instance germans and frenchs who since 1951 signed agreements to make their 2 nations closer.. later of course Mitterand and Helmut Khol hand in hand.. Economic cooperation or laws cooperation can achieve peace. wanting the death of UE doesnt mean at all the end of collaboration in europe. It just means to go back to what we knew 15 years ago. -
With Lepen president of France a better world???? You don't know that her party his bossy homophobic and xenophobic? I can't believe that a gay can say that shitty things!
I agree to you that my statement was a little short. Well, yes of course it all started on an economical basis in the 50s but the thought behind it was to make war impossible in Europe, at least West-Europe.
"What prevented war was for instance germans and frenchs who since 1951 signed agreements to make their 2 nations closer.. " - and that's how the EU started, that was the idea behind it. Adenauer had already talked about "The United States of Europe" in 1946. I just checked the quotes on the homepage of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
15 years ago? An EU without all the states that had been behind the Iron Gate. They were so eager to join. Now they want to shut down their Constituional Courts like Hungary or Poland, I agree, you don't need the EU for that.
Funnily the current crisis of the EU was majorly caused by that retarded former US president Bush and the US Incompetence. The destabilizatin of the Near East caused the IS and the war in Syria.
Poland had been rather eager to join there too and now they think their catholicism is in danger. I guess V. Havel might have been a bit too optismistic when he said it would take 25 years at least for democratic socialisation.
Anyway, Next year there might a NeoNazi President LePen in France, Trump in the USA and they both have nuclear arsenals, it'll be fun. Best time to get rid of International Cooporation.
@Pedro: It was sarcasm.
I don't really support Mme LePen.
Either brexit happens now or it will happen after frenexit, or some other country… they are only stolling for the unavoidable, because noone wants to have the guilt of being the first... and it's good it will end the EURO, and it will allow the normal deflation and inflation to occur and stabilise the economic bubbles that are about to blow. Sure it won't be easy, this could all have been avoided, but we had to have 10 years of poor idiotic leeching politicians in charge with huge interests in the banking and market, now it will be a mess... it has a good point that it will weaken the german, however the EU needs to exist and take options and vital decisions we have terrorist time bombs and a refuge and unemployment crysis... so, get ready for the shitstorm of the next 3 4 years and stay safe.
her party his bossy homophobic
NeoNazi President LePen in France
Suuure the Fn is very homophobic.. that's why the vice president is a fag, like many elected guys ( flash news : I'm an ex boyfriend of a guy who's a mayor now… very very homophobic indeed..) Another big news for you : 33% of married gay couples voted for FN in the last election while less than 30% for straight married couples 34% of youngs 18-30 vote for this party as well and with socialist school they arent neither homophobic nor antisemtic nor xenophobe.. the vice president is from the left...They didnt even demonstrated against gay marriage 3 years ago..( oh yeah but they also are antisemitic right? though they have a senator who is indeed jew…that's why they fired the old crazy guy"lepen" because he said crap in a piece of shit of a "newspaper" called rivarol which is indeed from the far right ( far right represents less than 2%..) You read a bunch of crap and think it's true lol... Anyway :ot: as it's about UK ..
They would if they had half a brain. The EU and it's currency is an abject failure, only Germany has benefitted from the Euro. Plus, the idiots in Brussels will ruin Europe.