Back when I modeled
Figured I would share a few pictures when I did a bit of modeling. These pics are about 5 or 6 years old so i was in my early 20's ish. Now that I will soon be 30 I thought it would be fun to celebrate my youth and vitality. Hope you men enjoy :love:
Those are things I would be happy to help you celebrate. Thrilled even. ZOMG yes.
Otoh, if you are celebrating your modeling period when you speak of your "youth and vitality," please think again. There is nothing about being in your 30s that is one bit lacking in the cocky virility of strong, repeated performance of those things men do that they like best. The next decade will find you every bit as raunchy and performative as you have been in the past decade, and now you also have experience and practice, have self-confidence, have accomplished a few things in life and in love (or at least physical loving) and all the stuff you were too scared to dare when puberty hit are now things you can take for granted.
There's a lot to be said for whatever loss of shame and insecurity and sex-related fear a boy brings into the transition to manly things, and the qualities that make for a successful life accumulate and add a lot to all the happy consequences of hormones and the drives that result.
Or maybe it is just that when I was in my 30s I was pretty lively and a little less uptight and stupid than I had been. Now, if only I knew then what I know now…. Celebrating your youth can mean celebrating today. If you don't feel, at the moment, like a debauched frat boy anymore, look back when you hit 39 and wonder how you ever could have imagined these next few years could be so wonderful.
Feel free to post more photos and you may get more kudos and mash notes from others who will be even more willing and able to stroke your ego, or whatever else you might want stroked.
Thanks for the pictures.
Incredibly handsome and hot!
bambam007, I remember you from Chat box back than. There is this site you applied for modeling. Could you post it also here? :hug2:
Too hot and :love: :love: :love: awesum

Sexy as hell! :blind:
Looked good
Wondering if you are more beefy now
great shots… awesome!
sweet shots man
Impressive cock!!
very nice!!
Ummmm. So hot
So hot , why you quit ?
They are great mate!
u can be super model if u like
why stoped?
iam very interest about it