Russia - the ban of the gay word
Yes Russian politicians and priests are getting on a new antigay law which will make ilegal the use of the word to describe gay or homossexual… this after the last 2 weeks murders... can you say bad taste? Germany is cutting ties, and so will the rest of europe in hopes that Putin understands at least the meaning of human rights...
I don't understand why Russian hate gay? can any1 please explain is it a cultural reason thing in Russia? ???
This is so sad that a world leader of his caliber should have to learn the hard way. But he will learn one way or another that 
I don't understand why Russian hate gay? can any1 please explain is it a cultural reason thing in Russia? ???
I think a lot of it comes from the fact that the country is falling apart and the Putin needs a distraction.
I don't think that Putin needs distractions. It's more like there is something truly evil about Russian power structures and their government.Why else would they kill people like Anna Politkovskaya, Sergei Magnitsky or Alexander Litvinenko? Why arrest and imprison Pussy Riot for singing a song? These people were no threat to Russian government. But they did dissent. The same goes for the LGBT population in Russia - they don't conform, so they must be the enemy.
Apparently they are saying they have a vaccine to cure gays now… FACEPALM
damn, i hope this is just a bad joke. Even them cant be this idiotic.
I don't understand why Russian hate gay? can any1 please explain is it a cultural reason thing in Russia? ???
I think a lot of it comes from the fact that the country is falling apart and the Putin needs a distraction.
I agree that it is a distraction while also being a method of unification: Distraction from faltering economy policies and governmental corruption and a unifying factor by way of creating a common enemy; 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' mentality.
There's a torrent here> that totally illuminates the governmental sanctioning of violent persecution of Russian lgbt community.
@myrea:Yes Russian politicians and priests are getting on a new antigay law which will make ilegal the use of the word to describe gay or homossexual… this after the last 2 weeks murders... can you say bad taste? Germany is cutting ties, and so will the rest of europe in hopes that Putin understands at least the meaning of human rights...
check this out >
As an American, makes me sad. As an atheist; merely confirms my certainty of the hypocrisy between that which is 'religious' and true spirituality.
@myrea:Apparently they are saying they have a vaccine to cure gays now… FACEPALM
Maybe they should work on a vaccine that cures idiocy? Oh wait; there is a cure for that already- it's called education
Of course it's a cultural thing,
unfortunately you cannot have all-knowing, ex-mafia, badass president (emperor) who everybody looks up to and expect guy like that to understand human rights.
Not to mention that the church, which is as stigmatic as anything can be, plays significant role in everyday life in Russia.
Maybe Russian is one of biggest anti-gay countries ever.Don't know why is that but its not good if you claim to be a country where every person have a right
Homosexuality you are born with. It is not a choice. Homophobia however is not something you are born with, it is a choice.
Def Russia is a nightmare 4 gay butts.. don't go there guys!
Think of Russia as our Far Far Right Republicans, and you can understand the politics in Russia. They do not truly care for their people, all they care about is the money that they can make off the back of each citizen. Once Vladimir Putin was put back in office, he took major control, amended the constitution a few times. I was a Lieutenant Colonel of the KGB and Boris Yeltsin's right hand man. I do not hate people, but man I do not like to say this but I hate this man. :puke: