My girldfriend is cool with me being BI.. and I'm a cunt for my truths
…So as the title mentions, my girlfriend (fiance) is ok with my bisexuality
What's everybody's opinion on this? I recently copped some flack from a user on here in the instant chat thing and how it isn't cool that i'm being a "cunt" and "leading her on / lying". Even though she is fully aware of it. Am I a cunt for this honesty of mine?
Absolutely not… Honesty is one of the most essential elements of any relationship. It's better that you're honest about such things now, than to have her find out in other ways later. Besides... If she's cool with you being the way you are, then I fail to see why it should really matter. For that matter, I fail to see where what other people say or think should have any impact on the way you go about your life. Personally, I applaud you for having been honest with her about this kind of thing. It's sadly not something that you see very often these days anymore.
If being honest makes you a cunt, then I'd really like to get that person's definition of cunt.... A BITCH perhaps, but as the great Latrice Royale put it, there's nothing wrong with being a BITCH, which is defined as "Being In Total Control Of Herself"….
You're not 'leading her on'. You're not secretly 100% homosexual and just staying with her because of appearances. I think sometimes people seem to mistake bisexuality for closet homosexuality and crucify people who identify as bisexual because of this. It's hypocrisy and intolerance. People need to learn that there is a huge spectrum of sexuality.
Good on you for being honest mate.
Fuck what people say. Since your fiance is cool with your bisexuality and you both are happy, thats all that matters. Besides, your sex life for sure is not going to be boring, monotonous and faded like so many heterosexual couples after sometime. More fun in perspective
Whoever said you were lying was either misunderstanding your situation or they have false ideas about us bisexual guys. You were upfront with your fiancee and that's a fact. You did nothing wrong.
when you mentioned that your fiancee is okay with it, then it is all that matters. for as long you are honest with her, then i do not see any problem with that. dont care about other people.
Yeah. I know that on the hole
I did the right thing. I definitely agree on honesty being essential and paramount. And his comments hardly annoyed me, It just got me thinking that perhaps others see HIS point as well as mine. Or perhaps his point only. I feel fine about my handling of it
Sorry for the late responses on here too. I work away and only get internet time friday afternoon to sunday morning -
The perception that male bisexuality does not truly exist is sadly very common, and I'd have to guess that his comments are based somewhat in that belief.
I'm sure we've all known that outright gay guy (I've known at least one) who had a particularly hard time coming to terms with his sexuality, and used the bisexual label as an intermediary step to admit his gayness to even himself. I think it partially stems from that. Someone has a friend that goes through that cliche, and they start forming blanket assumptions about the other 6.5 billion people on the planet.
That's a very human thing to do, but still; it stinks.
Bisexuality exists, guys. Really-deally. Deal with it or don't, believe it or don't, but keep your hate to yourself.
The perception that male bisexuality does not truly exist is sadly very common, and I'd have to guess that his comments are based somewhat in that belief.
I'm sure we've all known that outright gay guy (I've known at least one) who had a particularly hard time coming to terms with his sexuality, and used the bisexual label as an intermediary step to admit his gayness to even himself. I think it partially stems from that. Someone has a friend that goes through that cliche, and they start forming blanket assumptions about the other 6.5 billion people on the planet.
That's a very human thing to do, but still; it stinks.
Bisexuality exists, guys. Really-deally. Deal with it or don't, believe it or don't, but keep your hate to yourself.
Yeah it's ridiculous. I suppose it's a benefit of humanity to be able to judge freely and share your thoughts no matter how daft and blind they can be
Hahah i am a firm believer of "each to their own" so I take almost nothing to heart that could be biased or against my opinion. It is what it is and it always will be
I don't see how you can be a cunt if you've told her. That doesn't make any sense. Screw everybody else's opinions about your relationship. The only two people that matter are you and your girlfriend. As long as you're both honest and up front with each other you can and should do whatever the hell you want.
Dude was probably jealous because you get the best of both worlds.
If your girlfriend is cool with it then go for it. Maybe she gets off thinking of you getting plowed.
If your girlfriend is cool with it then go for it. Maybe she gets off thinking of you getting plowed.
…So as the title mentions, my girlfriend (fiance) is ok with my bisexuality
What's everybody's opinion on this? I recently copped some flack from a user on here in the instant chat thing and how it isn't cool that i'm being a "cunt" and "leading her on / lying". Even though she is fully aware of it. Am I a cunt for this honesty of mine?
You and your Fiance determine your relationship, and the perimeters of said relationship. If you are truly Bi sexual , then you two can live a very happy stable life together. I think the person believes you are simply gay, and not owning that fact, is why they believe you are leading her on. If that is the case then you would indeed be a "cunt". If that's not the case, it's just one more example of a gay man who lives in the Binary, and just hates of Bisexual people.
I am omnisexual, so i live outside of the Binary as well. I know a lot of bisexual men, some open with their wives and partner, some still closeted. Don't let anyone try to tell you what your truth is. You are who you are, love who you are, and just be honest with your partner. From the sound of it, you already are. So Kudos.
As I see it, the questions are:
- What sounds tasty when you look at the menu in the restaurant window
- What you eat when you are at home
- How often you eat out
If both partners in a relationship agree on with how the other answers those three questions there should be no problems
I think you are doing the right thing… you are letting her know that you have those desires and that may be an issue in the future and she has all the information needed to make a decision if she wants to continue with the relationship dont let that guy tell you you are wrong.
I applaude you for being honest with yourself and with your fiancé. As long as she supports you and you are honest about your activities I don't see that it is a problem. The big problems comes when you stop being honest.
**You can’t tell whether a man or woman is bisexual just by looking at him or her, or by the group her or she hangs out with.
It’s important to remember that bisexual, straight, gay and lesbian people don’t “look” a certain way or confine to common stereotypes.
That must be one reason why she is cool with u being bi..