What’s up in the men haircut? Here we are: a selection of beautiful guys who have decide to have a fresh look and a clean look too, under the guidance of very trendy hair designer .
The models are Sean Altemose, Matthew Terry, Soffiane Kadded, Sergio Carvajal, Ilias Avantiras, Felipe Martins, Connor Hill and some unknown.
So you can select the haircut (and don’t forget the guy who goes with!) you like the most and enter the number in the comment box available at the end of the post.
Number 1: Alexis Rios
Number 2: Brad
Number 3: Cingalet
Number 4: Connor Hill
Number 5: Felipe Martins
Number 6
Number 7: Sean Altemose
Number 8
Number 9: Ilias Avantiras
Number 10: Matthew Terry
Number 11: Misha Lukianov
Number 12: Sergio Carvajal
Number 13: Soffiane Kadded
Number 14 -
Now I have like number 5.
Love my shaggy haired guys.
I like them all except 2 and 8.
I prefer very short hair like buzz cuts. Of these guys though, I'd say haircut 4 is best.
Looking awesome~~
13 is nice.