I think I might be gay, but I'm not sure. How do I know?
Some people say they've always known that they were "different" in some way. When they eventually realized they were gay, many of the things they had felt growing up seemed to make sense. For others, the realization is triggered by the many changes that accompany adolescence. Some don't recognize their sexual orientation until adulthood.
It is important to remember that, just because someone has had a crush on, or has had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex, that does not necessarily mean that s/he is gay. Think of sexuality as a spectrum.
Heterosexuals — people who are only attracted to people of the opposite sex — are on one end.
Homosexuals — people who are only attracted to people of the same sex — are on the other end.
Bisexuals — people who could be attracted to people of either sex — are in the middle.
Transgender people, whose gender identity differs from the physical sex they were assigned at birth, may consider themselves hetero- or homosexual.
Everyone falls somewhere on this spectrum. The important thing to remember is to figure out that there is no rush to find out if you are gay or straight. Take your time and don't put any pressure on yourself. Just know that whoever you turn out to be is okay. -
I totally agree! I was one of the people who always knew. I knew I was "different" as a child and then when I hit puberty/adolescence where other kids were discovering girls, I was discovering the boys discovering the girls
like u said, PLENTY of time to figure it out. I also think that just cause u have some sexual encounters with someone of the same sex doesn't mean ur gay. I look at orientation as having the emotional attachment involved whereas if u just want to have sex, u know?
i totally agree too. i'm one of those who had to wait adulthood to understand. i was 21 when i discovered the fact that i like men, and it was after a 3 years relationship with a girl. it's never to late to know how you are!
exactly! it's never too late!
I always knew….
I always loved playing "doctor". changing time in the locker room, and I would often find myself day dreaming about being able to hook up with a man. -
I'm gay and ive always known there was something different about me, but didn't know exactly what was happening. It wasnt until i turned sixteen that i learned "what" i was.I have close friends who took longer to figure out, they even dated women before realizing they were actually gay. Most of them thought there was something off, but i think they were just too afraid to think about it.
I blame homophobia! Think if it was 'easier' to be gay, people would even realize sooner, cause it would be, like... opened to consideration =P
I cant wait until the day comes where it wont be an issue any longer. I remember being early teens, or even before then, thinking that I wouldn't live to see the day where I could be with who I wanted. it's all happening so fast though :cheers:
Well… I'm gay since I can remember, since child I already knew
I always knew I was different. I am obsessed with cock. Been checking on other guys package since 12. And now, I regularly cruise in restrooms to blow guys
You always know that, maybe you are just denying it to yourself
If you don't know for sure you're probably bisexual.
If you're straight or gay you usually kinda know it. Unless you're a woman. But what you jack your dick to should be the indicator.
I don't think you don't know. I think you're just afraid. But don't be, there's nothing to be afraid of.
personally i've known i was attracted to bigger guys since about 7th grade. for me, girls are icky - and so are slim guys. But then i'm in the minority of an already minority group.
i don't even think i can function THAT way around a woman. Or a slim guy.
I did have a phase where i was intellectually considering girls, but when i started to think about them - i think "Ick. Nope".
No regrets here.
you dont have to be either one or the other. there are 50 shades of gay. some guys are 100% gay, some are 100% straight. most people are somewhere in between. you could be 90% straight and 10% gay. or 80%/20%. you dont have to call yourself by one label or the other. just live your life and what feels right to you.
I agree and there are so much more shades to it than the ones you outlined too. E.g. Asexual, demisexual, pansexual, sapiosexual, hetero/homoflexible, queer.
But these terms are all labels through which we can generalize our emotional/sexual attraction to explain it to other people and to relate. If you know how you feel, and it's not covered by a term, then it still exists, because you feel that way.
I came out as gay, but that's because I always knew I liked men. For most of us it feels so permanent, but honestly I feel that it limited me to feel/be whatever I feel. Just the last year or so I have also opened my mind to the possibility of a (sexual) connection with females. It's kind of tricky, because I don't hope this is the internal homofobia in me speaking that is hoping for a "normal" future.. Main point I think is just be openminded.
I too, feel "different" when I was growing up. And being different isn;t always easy, but sure has it perks. I get friends more easily, because i feel like I understand how girls feel, while can also see it from boy's perception. Don't get caught up in the idea of "knowing". Just embrace you for who you are ;D
i think i found about about myself when i was like 14 years old or older. it feels like the sky fell on my head, heart and everything. but i think i can cover up for a few more years. finger crossed.
I too was at an experimentation point in my life when i was in High school. I slept with both men and women. Men, since i was 9 yrs old. Women since i was 13. And I actually LIKED both of them. Until, I earned my "red wings" in college. That was truly a first and last experience for me. Haven't wanted to have sex with a woman since then. HAVE had sex with 2 women, but they were both 1 nite stands. So basically what I am saying is that i agree with this post. We are who we are until we decide to be something else. And i do believe we are born this way, but, our exoeriences during our life time may mold us one way or the other.
I'm 32 and I'm still unsure, I consider myself now 95% gay. 5% goes for the fact that sometimes (quite rarely TBH) I feel attracted by a woman, altough I've never seriously considered having sex. I think it might just get akward. On the other hand, I'm gay but I really don't like men, I have no male friends and if I werent with my partner I honestly wouldn't feel like talking to gay men.
Since you are here, in a gay porn site, you are quite gay. I'm not sure = I'm afraid to confess to myself.