Kissing! Open or closed eyes?
Okay, so most people I know kiss with closed eyes, and say that means passion, blabla. and you are afraid to feel if you have eyes open.
EYE CONTACT! - There is something so incredibly intense about eye contact. I think you get a deep connection with someone when you can share long intense eye contact while also feeling something very strong, like when you kiss and have sex.
Mostly I want my eyes open to look deep in to his eyes, I feel this immense connection it's so beautiful, along with looking at his skin and nose and everything, it's just so much better. -
Apparently 37% of men and 3% of women open their eyes while kissing.
This is due to the known fact that men are more prone to visual stimuli!
eyes closed for sure, i find "eyes wide open" kissers a tad creepy, but that's just my opinion.
eyes closed for sure, i find "eyes wide open" kissers a tad creepy, but that's just my opinion.
Doesn't need to be wide open.
Never been kissed :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:
Really Josie Geller?
Pretty much, yeah, except in my story, we don't know the ending yet
then i'm gonna be your loser baseball player brother. i will do my best to make you have your first kiss this year. :love:
…or you could do it by yourself... hahaah :haha:
Both, but mostly closed.
at the first 10 seconds open eyes and the rest closed eyes
It depends, but sometimes i close my eyes
I think the natural reaction is to close the eyes, mainly because they're so close. I love to have my eyes open, but it's a conscience thing to do. I like them open so my thoughts and connection is with the one I'm kissing, rather than risk the mind wandering, albeit heavenly thoughts, elsewhere. Eye contact certainly helps seal the soul connection :cheesy2:
I think the natural reaction is to close the eyes, mainly because they're so close. I love to have my eyes open, but it's a conscience thing to do. I like them open so my thoughts and connection is with the one I'm kissing, rather than risk the mind wandering, albeit heavenly thoughts, elsewhere. Eye contact certainly helps seal the soul connection :cheesy2:
YES it does!
Never been kissed :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:
I'd be your first kiss
cum here cutie
If i close my eyes and moan heavily -> i really enjoy it
If i open my eyes -> i don't really enjoy it
If i close my eyes but don't moan at all -> i'm faking it