Has anybody tried, or has, purchasing(ed) a video from Fightplace lately?
I went there a week ago to checkout the latest videos and the page said they currently aren't taking credit card payments, I checked back today and same thing. I looked into the new option, sofort.com, and it wants ALL of your banking info, login in information included. Obviously I'm not going that route, nor am I sending cash, and certified funds aren't likely to happen either. I tired to use the contact page and the recaptua image doesn't load.
Does anyone have any information on what's going on with the site? I really hope everything is ok and they're not closing down because that's the only wrestling site I consistently enjoy. All of the guys/boys are hot and the wrestling seems the most legit, even if the outcome in a few of the newer videos seems a little predetermined.
Don't know where is the roblem, their is a new option, but for me don't work, thery don't take marstercard 😞
Any info or suggestions appreciated