Thank you, wresto! I'm sure many of our members will check it out.
If any of you know of web sites with wrestling videos, feel free to post the links. Just remember to replace http with hxxp.
Its a shame there virtually impossible to come by anymore. Can-am and BG Enterprise have both said they no longer sell them and it seems impossible to find them anywhere else :cry2:
Are you downloading other torrents from elsewhere? You are not done leeching with the torrent Fantasy Men 31 yet. I have had this happen to me before with torrents. When you try to playback an incomplete video it will just pull all the video info from your temporary downloads or cache if you will and play them. So if you have two or more incomplete torrents, your computer is just regurgitating all it knows to show you. Once you are done downloading the torrent try to play it again and let me know if you are still having the same problem.