@raphjd said in Liberals love to lie:
Ok dearie.
The guardian is "respectable" only to ultr-leftists.
I'm a troll in your eyes because you are an ultra-leftist clown.
UMM, it was the Democrats, under Bill Clinton that gave the US it's most homophobic laws the US ever had; DADT, DOMA and RFRA. The Republicans didn't give us anything like that when they controlled both Houses of Congress and the White House.
You are picking the cotton for the DNC, even though they have spent 50 years lying to us.
The law was racist, just listen to how the Democrats (Biden, Hillary, Bill, etc, etc, etc, etc) talked about it and how they referred to black people. Clearly, you think non-whites are either idiots or liars because they say that Biden's 1994 crime bill was and is racist. Under leftist dogma, you are a racist for disagreeing with them, because they know better than you.
LOL, I'm stupid?! I'm not the one picking the DNC's cotton. You are doing that.
You are the idiot who thinks the DNC loves us, when they are the reason that we still have a law on the books that allows LGBTs to be discriminated against in goods and services. No other group has a law like that against them. We can thank Schumer for authoring the RFRA bill and Biden (among other Democrats) for co-sponsoring it.
The DNC has lied to us for the last 50+ years and you are too stupid to realize that.
You are literally talking absolute nonsense. How much do they pay you to spout this crap? and how much do you hate yourself to cosying up to those who are literally trying to make homos illegal again?
Are you even american?