@ianfontinell Sadly on any given day there's a good chance that you will be able to uploads breaking at least 1 or more of those 5 rules, though I admit it's far better now than it was a few years ago. A classic example is when users upload videos but then only add stock pics of the performers rather than screengrabs of the video itself.
I have to admit that when I do find a torrent that breaks one of those rules I'm usually hesitant to report it, usually for one of two reasons. Firstly, I might actually decide to take a chance on downloading it, and don't want to see it taken down when I'm at 40%, but secondly because I could report so many of them that I think the admins would end up getting sick of me (if they're not already!) It's a question of finding the line between getting new content uploaded and being petty. Unless something is blatantly misleading I often err on the side of caution.