
No, you've lost me.

Have I got this right? You don't want anyone to 'share' your videos. But it's OK for you to download from a P2P site to watch but not share stuff.

Viewers? Uploaders? Maybe synonyms?

Perhaps when I grow up I will understand.

The law doesn't allow anyone to publish material that is meant to be PAY-per-view. I ask people to respect the law, because if they like our videos as it seems (since they look for them and want others to watch them), they need to help us, not put us out of job, to have more videos like the ones they liked.
I will refer to your question, which is off topic, only once more: if a video is already on the internet, a viewer can't take the responsibilities that should stay between the seller and the buyer. I find a teddy bear on the sidewalk; I grab it and bring it with me.
I can't possibly know if that video I'm seeing on a page is from a production that has closed, if the producer decided to put that one out for free (we have published several videos for free and right now they are on sites like PornHub or VK.com without it being piracy), if that's a preview clip or whatever the reason the video is there.
You're presenting the issue as what I do versus what I ask in a clumsy attempt to make me look authoritarian or selfish, but the very thing you "accuse" me of (downloading videos) I totally accept and understand in others: I'm not blaming anyone who's downloaded our videos here.
Please, don't go off topic to destroy this conversation instead of entering it.