These are from a 2:48 long video I have of him but reverse searching screenshots yielded nothing. Thanks!
These are from a 2:48 long video I have of him but reverse searching screenshots yielded nothing. Thanks!
![ocr.jfif](Invalid file type. Allowed types are: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .jpeg)
![alt text]( image url)
I've attached 2 gifs. I've searched relentlessly for sources of either but can't find them. I only come here when I've exhausted all avenues. Does anybody happen to recognize either?
I'm wondering what it means when a torrent's seeds drop down to zero, but there's no option to "request seeds." The button for that remains greyed out. Also, if I scroll through where I found it in search, it's not there anymore. But if I still have it in qBittorrent and look at my profile, it's still under leeching and still appears to be a posted torrent on here, but still has no seeds and no option to request seeds. What does this mean? Has it been deleted and still just shows up?
It seems to be down every night.
It's really odd, did Gaytorrent suddenly experience a major influx of users so big that it piles the server up every night? It's almost unusable now most of the time.
I'm just wondering if it's me. Lately it seems Gaytorrent's servers are overloaded. Over the past 2 weeks at least. I get the white screen that keeps refreshing for up to an hour at a time, then when I finally get the window, I get pushed to the server overload window immediately following clicking a link on the page. I have to click the download button over and over just to get a torrent and when I do, it could be a single 500mb video with 50 seeds and 2 leeches and it will take hours to download, it will just sit stalled for hours, then will suddenly start downloading and be done in under a minute. I don't come here super often but over the past couple weeks, every time I do, this is my experience. Are these just coincidences?
Is there a way to search for torrents that contain more than one specific category? For example, search for all torrents that contain both amateur and solo. As far as I can tell, the current search method doesn't search all subcategories, just the main category. If I select amateur and solo, it shows me torrents under the amateur category which may not contain solo, and vice versa. It would be nice if I could set the search to show only torrents that contain both categories.
I'm on the hunt for a game called The Journey to Kelabra. It was made in 2011 by a guy called GoldenUnicorn. He used to have a website where you could purchase it, but the website is now gone. He posted on several forums about it but none of them have been updated since. He also has a DeviantArt, but he hasn't logged into it in years. He's sort of fallen completely off the map. If anybody out there has a copy of this game, I'd appreciate it if it could be uploaded to GayTorrent. I would happily seed. I really want to try this game out. Thanks!