
So I'm 19, and recently came out of the closet. I'm a pretty hairy guy. I don't have an insane amount of hair, but I'm hairier than any of my friends or anyone I've hooked up with. Guys usually say they don't mind, but I feel like all my hair isn't really attractive. I want to keep my chest hair in case it comes back in style (plus it makes me feel manly), but I have a fair amount of hair on my lower back. I've been considering getting it lasered off, since I don't want to have to continually wax it. I would shave it, but it's really hard to reach and it gets itchy when I do. Has anyone here had laser hair removal before? How painful is it really? Was it worth it?

I'm extra smooth and even shiny. I like it very much.

But I also would advise those who are hairy to keep their hair.
In this gay world, there are all kinds of different fetishes.
Those who fetish hairy men would chase your pants off like a pervert.
Their passions would literally burnt your hairs off, proverbially speaking.

That's because I also drive those men crazy who fetish extra smooth body.
For me, that passionate attention is very intensive and perverted that they'll do anything to get me.

In this era of easy sex from tons of gay apps and dating forums, sex gets too easy and boring without the passions of previous era's clandestine, hard to find meetups. Only things that are still passionate now are those fetishes of all kinds. To be someone's fetish is a joy when he'll do anything for you.