If you're experiencing this type of problem when using Quick Torrent Maker, it is because you are using Windows 7 and have installed Quick Torrent Maker in the C:\Program Files directory. There are two ways in which to correct this:
Uninstall (delete) QTM, and re-install it to C:\QTM instead.
Open QTM by right clicking the "qtm.exe" file, then clicking "Run as Administrator".
To make a long story short, due to a technical design with the NTFS file system in Windows Vista and Windows 7, the program itself is not given sufficient access rights by default to modify an administrator folder. When you run the program as an administrator, it allows the program to write to an administrator protected folder. This is the case with C:\Program Files, due to a write-protect flag set for your system security.
In the case of QTM, it is safe to grant it administrator rights since the only thing it needs to write to the installation path is the .torrent file when it re-downloads it for you. With administrator rights, or installed in C:\QTM, QTM should work with either uTorrent or BitTorrent successfully. If you experience any further troubles with QTM, please let me know and I can look into seeing if I can duplicate and trace the error to a specific cause.