There is of course another method in which he can fix his ratio. I'm sure that some of the site's crew (such as Joker) would reeeeeeeally love it too… If he were to make a 250 Euro donation, then make another 100 Euro donation (thus costing him a total of 350 Euros), he would be back on track, plus a little bit. That is of course a really fast way in which he could get his ratio back into a good standing.

I will be clear when I say that donations are NOT mandatory, and not making a donation will NOT in any way negatively impact your account status or affect the level of service we will provide you. It is merely an optional way to be able to do a few things, one of which is to be able to quite literally buy your way out of ratio troubles. It also gives you a few other perks such as allowing you to download more in a day than you otherwise could, have the advertising on the site turned off, or simply just give us money just because you can and you want to help contribute to our operation costs and overhead.

Aside from the donation option, I completely agree with Popper... Unless he's got something like a pretty sweet fiber connection where he can reach speeds of say 150+ mbit and he can constantly crank out that speed to users who are actually downloading the torrents he's got, there's not a bloody chance in hell that he'll ever recover from that. What will make it even harder for him is that most of the torrents he has downloaded have 0 leechers, and the ones that do only have a couple of leechers at best and a plethora of other seeders to choose from, so simply put, he's pretty screwed.