Pardon the obvious question, but are your ports fully forwarded both TCP and UDP?
Do torrents show up as green or do they show up as yellow/blue or "firewalled"/"obfuscated", etc?

If they're green, then the direct answer to having a ridiculous ratio is...
Seedbox: ~$5-8/month for up to 4TB of upload/month from a variety of vendors.
(More $$$ = more TB/month. I've seen 120TB/month... keep in mind you actually have to have the demand for that, though.
Download the freeleech to that and let it crank 24/7. If you time it right, you can easily get a TB or more per week.
Also, if you have any bonus points, it might be worthwhile to make a torrent freelech for a day and let it seed for tens of GB vs trading that for 1GB.

The root cause of why you don't seed well with a large number of leechers is quite simple: BT clients were designed in a time when computers were single core and... 512MB of RAM on the high end. They put extremely low limits on how many peers you can have to prevent the computers of the time from being overloaded. Now, you yourself can up those limits, but the 99% of users will only connect to 10, 25, 100 users at most. If there are 300 peers and their client is set to 25 max peers/torrent (or 100 total global connections and they have 15 torrents going, etc.) you only have like a <10% chance they'll even hit you.

Because the people who know how to up the peer count do that, they have a much higher chance of catching that incoming request and fulfilling it as well.
(i.e. 300 users looking for connection, if you set it to 300, you can serve all incoming requests. If set to 25, your client will reject incoming requests once that 25 is satisfied.) Further, because those 25 active connections might be at 0.02Kbps, it'll reject the gigabit requests coming from people with a fat pipe. And we all know how tragic that is. 😧